Gerson, Jerome Howard was born on September 9, 1928 in Chicago, Illinois, United States. Son of Bernard Jay and Minnie (Cooper) Gerson.
Gerson, Jerome Howard was born on September 9, 1928 in Chicago, Illinois, United States. Son of Bernard Jay and Minnie (Cooper) Gerson.
Student, University Illinois, 1946—1948. Juris Doctor, Chicago Kent College Law, 1951.
Associate Teller, Levit & Silvertrust, Chicago, 1952—1956, Joseph W. Bernstein, 1957—1960, Phillip Goodman, 1961—1963. Partner Yacker & Gerson, Chicago, 1963—1976. Senior partner Rudnick & Wolfe, 1976—1988.
Chairman real estate department Winston & Strawn, 1988—1995, counsel, since 1995.
Member of Illinois State Bar Association, Chicago Bar Association, American Bar Association, Standard Club, Lake Shore Country Club.
Married Marjorie Korshak, November 22, 1985. Children: Daniel, Bradley, Mitchell.