Kisilowski, Jerzy was born on January 29, 1941 in Babice/Sanem, Poland. Son of Jan and Maria Kisilowski.
Kisilowski, Jerzy was born on January 29, 1941 in Babice/Sanem, Poland. Son of Jan and Maria Kisilowski.
Master of Science in Engineering, Technology University, Warsaw, Poland, 1963. Doctor of Philosophy, Technology University, Warsaw, Poland, 1971. Habil Tech, Technology University, Warsaw, Poland, 1978.
Assistant, adjunct, Warsaw U. Technology, 1965-1978; associate professor, Warsaw U. Technology, 1978-1985; professor, Warsaw U. Technology, 1985; head department chair of theory of transport equipment, Warsaw U. Technology, 1981; director planning committee, Team for Science and Technology Progress, Warsaw, 1984-1988; vice president, Insurance Company Warsaw, since 1992. Member Committee Science of Technology, Warsaw, 1985-1990. Member Research Committee, Warsaw, 1994-1996.
Member Polish Academy of Sciences (vice president committee of transportation 1986-1996), New York Academy of Sciences, Vehicle Systems Dynamics Association.
Married Helena Hornowska, October 29, 1966. Children: Marek, Maciej.