He was born at Saint Andrews, where his father was professor of rhetoric in the university. The same year his father died, and he prepared his college lectures for the press
He was born at Saint Andrews, where his father was professor of rhetoric in the university. The same year his father died, and he prepared his college lectures for the press
At the age of fifteen he was sent to Edinburgh to study medicine, and he graduated Doctor of Medicine He then attended a patient in Lisbon for two years, and on his return settled in practice at Gloucester.
1786–1851), was an English physician, the biographer of Edward Jenner. There four years later (1805), at the age of nineteen. Appointed one of the physicians to the General Infirmary, he acquired a practice as a physician in Gloucester and the surrounding country.
In 1832, poor health after Asiatic cholera obliged him to retire.
He lived at Cheltenham during the rest of his life, disabled by ‘creeping palsy’ during his later years. He died in 1851.
Royal Society.