Observations on terrestrial magnetism Volume 3, no. 1
(This historic book may have numerous typos and missing te...)
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1851 Excerpt: ...hairs, which in young plants are found on every band, are limited on older specimens to the last formed bands, and at length disappear. The margin at the summit of the frond is always strongly rolled inwards; the outer or lower surface of the lamina is whitened with a variable quantity of chalky powder; the inner surface, except for the fringes of hairs, is smooth, olive-coloured, greenish towards the summit. The sori of fructification form concentric bands, alternating between the fringed bands. They are at first concealed beneath the surface-cells, but burst through in lines, raising the membranous skin of the frond, which then folds over them like the indusium of a fern. At maturity, the sorus consists of numerous obovate, hyaline perispores, fixed to a linear receptacle, each containing four sporules. Paranemata, club-shaped, articulated filaments, are found also in concentric bands, parallel to those which produce spores, and placed at short distances from them. Plate VII. B. Fig. 1. Plant of Padina Pavonia; the natural size; Jig. 2, part of the surface, showing portions of the band-like sori of spores, and of paranemata respectively; fig. 3, vertical section of the frond, showing spores in situ; fig. 4, spores, each containing four sporules in the perispore; jig. 5, section through one of the concentric bands of paranemata; jig. 6, paranemata: the latter figures more or less highly magnified. III. ZONARIA, Ag. Root coated with woolly hairs. Frond flat, ribless, coriaceo-membranaceous, flabelliform, entire or vertically cleft, the segments radiating; the surface cellules disposed in distinct longitudinal lines flabellately radiating from the base. Concentric lines indistinct. Fructification roundish or linear sori, formed beneath the cuticle of the fro...