Willms, John was born on March 29, 1927. Came to the United States, 1964.
college dean pastoral consultant
Willms, John was born on March 29, 1927. Came to the United States, 1964.
Certified theology, St. Chad's College, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada, 1959. LTh, St. Chad's College, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada, 1974. Master of Divinity, St. Chad's College, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada, 1986.
Bachelor with honors, University Minnesota, 1974.
Pastor various Epsicopalian churches, Minnesota, 1964-1974, Duluth (Minnesota) Congressional Church, 1974-1976, Resurrection Fellowship, Duluth, 1977-1984. Executive director Lake Superior Life Care Center, 1985-1988. Senior pastor Evangelical Community Church, Menasha, Wisconsin, 1988-1991.
Pastoral consultant Minnesota, 1991-1992. Interim pastor Prince of Peace Fellowship, Duluth, 1992-1993. Dean Lake Superior Bible College, since 1993.
Dean Northwest region Episcopal Church, Detroit Lakes, Minnesota, 1971. Honorary chaplain Goodwill Industries, Duluth, 1975-1980.
Regional coordinator Minnesota Citizens Concerned for Life, Duluth, 1985-1988. President Lake Superior Life Care Center, 1982-1984, board directors since 1991. Member Charismatic Pastors Fellowship, Association Evangelical Congregations (field servant for Minnesota), 1993-1994.
Associate pastor Hammond Avenue Presbyterian Church, Superior, Wisconsin.
Son of Peter J. and Anna T. (Fast) W. Divorced; children: Sandra, Michelle.