Sattler, John F. was born on March 21, 1949 in Monroeville, Pennsylvania, United States.
Sattler, John F. was born on March 21, 1949 in Monroeville, Pennsylvania, United States.
Bachelor of Science in Economic, United States Naval Academy, 1971. Graduate, Basic School, 1972. Graduate with distinction, National Defense University, 1991.
Graduate with honors, Amphibious Warfare School, 1977. Graduate with honors, Command and Staff College, 1986.
Commissioned Second lieutenant United States Marine Corps, 1971. Advanced through grades to brigadier general, 1997. Rifle platoon commander 2d battalion 4th Marine Regiment, Okinawa, Japan, 1972-1973.
Various assignments, 1977-1981. Infantry weapons procurement officer Marine Headquarters, Washington, 1981-1985. Executive officer 2d battalion 4th Marine Regiment, 1986-1988.
Commander Ground Combat Element for Special Purpose, 1988. Ground officer Jt. Operation Solid Shield. Congressional liaison officer United States House of Representatives, Washington, 1991-1995.
Commander 2d Marine Regiment, 1995, assistant division commander, 1997-1998. Department dir operations combating terrorism Jt. Staff, Washington, since 1998.