Terry, John Hart was born on November 14, 1924 in Syracuse, New York, United States. Son of Frank and Saydee (Hart) Terry.
congressman lawyer Utility company executive
Terry, John Hart was born on November 14, 1924 in Syracuse, New York, United States. Son of Frank and Saydee (Hart) Terry.
University of Notre Dame (Bachelor of Arts, 1945). Syracuse University (Juris Doctor, 1948).
Worked at Hiscock & Barclay, Limited Liability Partnership (Syracuse, New York) specializing in Corporate Law. Admitted to the bar, 1953, New New York 1972, District of Columbia.
Member, Board of Supervisors, Onondaga County, 1948-1958.
Assistant Secretary to Governor of New York State, 1959-1961. Member of Assembly, New York State, 1963-1970.
Member of Congress, United States House of Representatives, 1971. Past Chair, Public Utility Law Committee, New York State Bar Association.
Past Chair, Legislative Committee, Onondaga County Bar Association.
Past National Director and New York State Chair, American Cancer Society. Member: American Bar Association. Federal Power Bar Association.
State chairman United Services Organization, 1964-1973. Past president John Timothy Smith Foundation. Founder, director Bishop Foery Foundation, Inc.
Director St. Joseph's Hospital Council. Past president Lourdes Camp. Board directors New York State Traffic Council.
Past national board directors American Cancer Society. Member advisory council Syracuse University School Management. Past president Catholic Youth Organization.
Board directors Syracuse Community Baseball Club. Served to 1st lieutenant Army of the United States, 1943-1946. Member American Bar Association (utility law section), New York State Bar Association (chairman committee on public utility law), Onondaga County Bar Association (chairman membership and legislation committees), District of Columbia Bar Association, County Officers Association, Citizens Foundation, University Notre Dame, Syracuse University law associations, American Legion, Veterans of Foreign Wars, DAV, 40 and 8, Military Order of Purple Heart, Bellevue Country Club, Capitol Hill Club (Washington), Vero Beach Country Club.
Married Catherine Jean Taylor Phelan, April 15, 1950. Children: Catherine Jean (Mistress Richard Thompson), Lynn Marie (Mistress Robert Tacher), Susan Louise (Mistress Stanley Germain), Mary Carole (Mistress Stephen Brady).