Hopfield, John Joseph was born on July 15, 1933 in Chicago, Illinois, United States. Son of John Joseph and Helen (Staff) Hopfield.
physicist university professor molecular biologist
Hopfield, John Joseph was born on July 15, 1933 in Chicago, Illinois, United States. Son of John Joseph and Helen (Staff) Hopfield.
AB, Swarthmore College, 1954; Doctor of Philosophy, Cornell Univercity, 1958; Doctor of Science (honorary), Swarthmore College, 1992.
lieutenant is now more commonly known as the Hopfield Network. John Hopfield received his Bachelor of Arts from Swarthmore College, and a Doctor of Philosophy in physics from Cornell University in 1958 (supervised by Albert Overhauser). He spent two years in the theory group at Bell Laboratories, and subsequently was a faculty member at University of California, Berkeley (physics), Princeton University (physics), California Institute of Technology (Chemistry and Biology) and now again at Princeton, where he is the Howard A. Prior Professor of Molecular Biology.
Foreign 35 years, he also continued a strong connection with Bell Laboratories.
He was the President of the American Physical Society in 2006. His most influential papers have been "The Contribution of Excitons to the Complex Dielectric Constant of Crystals" (1958), describing the polariton.
“Electron transfer between biological molecules by thermally activated tunneling” (1974), describing the quantum mechanics of long-range electron transfers. "Kinetic Proofreading: a New Mechanism for Reducing Errors in Biosynthetic Processes Requiring High Specificity" (1974).
"Neural networks and physical systems with emergent collective computational abilities" (1982) (known as the Hopfield Network) and, with Doctorate. West. Tank, “Neural computation of decisions in optimization problems” (1985).
His current research and recent papers are chiefly focused on the ways in which action potential timing and synchrony can be used in neurobiological computation. His former Doctor of Philosophy students include Sir David MacKay, Terry Sejnowski, Bertrand Halperin, Steven Girvin, Erik Winfree and José Onuchic. Helen was the older Hopfield"s second wife.
Trustee Battelle Memorial Institute. Fellow American Physical Society (vice president 2005, Oliver E. Buckley prize 1968, Biological Physics prize 1985). Member National Academy of Sciences, American Academy Arts and Sciences, American Philosophical Society, Phi Beta Kappa, Sigma Xi.
Children: Alison, Jessica, Natalie. Married Mary Waltham, 1996.