Mathias, John Joseph was born on July 13, 1929 in Frostburg, Maryland, United States. Son of James Maxwell and Mary Genevieve (McGuire) Mathias.
Federal administrative law judge
Mathias, John Joseph was born on July 13, 1929 in Frostburg, Maryland, United States. Son of James Maxwell and Mary Genevieve (McGuire) Mathias.
Bachelor of Science, Georgetown University, 1951; Juris Doctor, Georgetown University, 1953.
Partner, Lippel & Mathias, Cumberland, Maryland., 1960-1962; administrative law judge, Civil Aeronautics Board, Washington, 1978-1979; trial attorney, United States Federal Trade Commission, Washington, 1956-1960; trial attorney, United States Federal Trade Commission, Washington, 1962-1978; administrative law judge, United States Federal Trade Commission, Washington, 1979-1984; administrative law judge, United States International Trade Commission, Washington, 1984-1990; chief administrative law judge, unites states department Transportation, Washington, since 1990.
With United States Army, 1954-1956.
Married Rosemary Povanda, May 30, 1959. Children: John Joseph, Terese, Susan.