Guttentag, Joseph Harris was born on February 8, 1929 in Boston, Massachusetts, United States. Son of Samuel Alexander and Sara (Hurwitz) Guttentag.
Guttentag, Joseph Harris was born on February 8, 1929 in Boston, Massachusetts, United States. Son of Samuel Alexander and Sara (Hurwitz) Guttentag.
AB, University of Michigan, 1950; Bachelor of Laws, Harvard University, 1953.
International tax counsel, United States Treasury, Washington, 1967-1968; partner, Surrey & Morse, Washington, 1965-1967, 68-79; partner, Arnold & Porter, Washington, 1979-1994; partner, Arnold & Porter, Japan, 1991-1994; deputy assistant secretary international tax affairs, United States Treasury, Washington, 1994-1999; senior advisor Office of Tax Policy, United States Treasury, Washington, since 1999. Adjunct Professor Howard Law School, Washington, 1964-1967. Professorial lecturer George Washington University School Law, 1968-1975.
Chairman committee fiscal affairs Organization Economic Cooperative and Development, Paris. Member advisory commission Electrical Commerce, 1999-2000. Trustee Levine School Music.
Captain United States Air Force, 1954-1957. Member District of Columbia Bar Association, American Society International Law.
Married Merna Fay Cohn, June 18, 1961. Children: Steven, Adam, Alice.