Biehn, Kenneth Gussman was born on July 10, 1939 in Quakertown, Pennsylvania, United States. Son of Claire G. and Vivian (Brown) Biehn.
Biehn, Kenneth Gussman was born on July 10, 1939 in Quakertown, Pennsylvania, United States. Son of Claire G. and Vivian (Brown) Biehn.
Bachelor of Arts in Psychology cum laude, Lafayette College, 1961. Bachelor of Laws with distinction, Duke University, 1964.
Partner Biehn & Thatcher, 1968-1973. Assistant district attorney Bucks County, Doylestown, Pennsylvania, 1966-1969, first assistant district attorney, 1969-1972, district attorney, 1972-1979, judge Court of Common Pleas, since 1979. Forced to take early retirement as a county judge in July 2007 as a result of being afflicted with porphyria (King George's madness). Over the course of several years, President Judge Susan Devlin Scott received complaints about Biehn's mental health after his displays of passive-aggressive behavior in the courtroom as well as a uncontrolled, bizarre demeanor that sometimes showed him to be clearly detached from reality. Also, for many years there were complaints about Biehn's bias in favor of prosecutors in any given case. Before becoming a county judge, Biehn spent his entire lawyer as an assistant district attorney and then as the county's district attorney, and he carried that bent in favor of the prosecution into his career as a judge. Biehn was known to have "ex parte" personal conferences in his Chambers alone with "porngate" prosecutor E. Marc Costanzo as well as "porngate" prosecutor Frank fina and excluded the defendant's attorney (or the criminal defendant if unrepresented) from those discussions. Costanzo was later let go from the Pennsylvania attorney general's office for inappropriate conduct, and after finding a job with the Philadelphia DA he was again let go from there for inappropriate conduct as a prosecutor. Frank Fina too was let go by the Pennsylvania attorney general's office and like Costanzo ended up at the Philadelphia DA office, but later resigned before he could be fired. It's important to note that the Philadelphia DA who hired prosecutors Costanzo and Fina after they were let go was R. Seth Williams, who was ultimately disbarred and was convicted of numerous felonies while serving as the DA, including corruption and taking bribes while in office. It is unclear if Biehn was watching porn with Costanzo and Fina in Biehn's judge chambers, but it's clearly unethical for a judge to have exparte conferences for any reason whatsoever, and Biehn only remained a sitting judge because nobody ever filed a complaint with the Judicial Ethics Board. Ultimately, President Judge Susan Devlin Scott asked Biehn for his resignation so as to avoid forced removal from judicial office, which may have resulted in the loss of important retirement benefits including health insurance. Biehn retired years before the mandatory retirement age of 70, and in doing so preserved his lucrative pension benefits. Only two (2) weeks after he resigned as judge, Biehn sold his home and moved to the Catskills in upstate New York- that's notable because Biehn was born in Bucks County, PA, grew up in Bucks County, PA, worked his entire adult life in Bucks County, PA, and then abruptly moved far away and disassociated himself with his hometown.
Chairman victim/witness advisory group Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency, since 1983.
Member National Organization for Victim Assistance, member judicial faculty since 1989. Chairman Bucks County Local Policy Board for Victims/Witnesses, since 1984. Member Attorney General's Family Violence Task Force, 1985-1987.Instructor Bucks County Community College.
Treasurer Bucks County Council on Alcoholism, 1976-1983, vice president, since 1983. Director Network of Victim Assistance, 1977-1981, honorary director, since 1981. Member National District Attorney's Association (board directors 1977-1979), Pennsylvania Conference State Trial Judges, Phi Beta Kappa.
Married Julia Gibson. Children: Christopher, Alexander, Stephen.