His father was a Pentecostalist preacher, and in his teens Fragell also began working full-time as a preacher, before his studies in philosophy and comparative religion led him to leave the church.
His father was a Pentecostalist preacher, and in his teens Fragell also began working full-time as a preacher, before his studies in philosophy and comparative religion led him to leave the church.
Bachelor, University Oslo, Norway, 1968. Bachelor, University Trondheim, Norway, 1971.
He took a university degree in the sociology of religion and then worked for a year as a school teacher in northern Norway, before becoming a journalist, and later working in marketing. He also became press secretary to several cabinet ministers in Norway. In 1976, he became leader of the Norwegian Humanist Association (Human-Etisk Forbund) at a time when it had 1500 members.
Its membership later grew to over 75,000 making it, as a proportion of national population, the largest such organisation in the world.
He joined the board of the IHEU in the 1980s, becoming its co-president in 1987 and sole president between 1998 and 2003. In 2003 he was one of the signers of the Humanist Manifesto.
He has been chairman and secretary of the Norwegian Humanist Association, and was President of the International Humanist and Ethical Union (IHEU) between 1987-1990 (as one member of a troika) and, in his own right, between 1998-2003.
Son of øivind and Astrid (Hansen) F. Divorced; children: Siriann, øvind, Axel.