Randall, Lisa was born on June 18, 1962 in Queens, New York, United States.
Randall, Lisa was born on June 18, 1962 in Queens, New York, United States.
Bachelor in Physics, Harvard University, 1983. Doctor of Philosophy in Particle Physics, Harvard University, 1987.
President's fellow University California, Berkeley, 1987—1989. Postdoctoral fellow Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, 1989—1990. Junior fellow Harvard Society Fellows, 1990—1991.
Assistant professor physics Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1991—1995, associate professor, 1995—1998, professor, 1998—2001, Princeton University, 1998—2000, Harvard University, since 2001. Fellow Radcliffe Institute, 2002. Chair Radcliffe Institute Cosmology & Theoretical Astrophysics Cluster, 2003.
Fellow: American Physical Society (Julius Edgar Lilienfeld prize 2007), American Academy Arts & Sciences.