Luisa Marina Perdigó was born in Havana, Cuba. Daughter of Mario and Hortensia (Alvarez) Perdigó. Came to the United States in 1962.
Modern languages and literatures educator and Licensed practical nurse
Luisa Marina Perdigó was born in Havana, Cuba. Daughter of Mario and Hortensia (Alvarez) Perdigó. Came to the United States in 1962.
In Havana, Cuba :
Elementary and middle schools, and partially completed high school (Bachillerato) with Instituto de La Habana- to second year of Bachillerato - Havana.
In the United States:
Miami Senior High school - 1962-1965 (grades 9-12) - French major. Vice-President of French Club 'Entre-Nous'.
Assistant professor Spanish and Assistant Academic Dean, St. Thomas Aquinas College, Sparkill, New York, 1982-1987.
Assistant professor Spanish and French, CUNY, La Guardia, 1987-1988.
Assistant professor Spanish, City College, CUNY, 1988-1989.
Assistant professor Spanish, St. Peter's University, Jersey City, New Jersey, 1989-1991.
Assistant professor Spanish and French, Clarion University, Pennsylvania, 1992-1994.
Assistant professor Spanish, Rockland College State University of New York, 1995-1996.
Associate professor and Modern Languages Program Director, Mercy College, New York, 1998-2006.
Licensed Practical Nurse - hospitals,clinics, and nursing homes, 2006-2010.
Professor of generic studies : Spanish literature, and Faculty Facilitator, Boricua College,NY- 2010-2015.
Professor Spanish and French - St. Thomas Aquinas College. Sparkill, NY- 2018-2021.
ICA Languages Institute - Professor of Spanish - Virginia, MD - 2022-2023.
Licensed Practical Nurse - schools, clinics, nursing homes/assisted living - 2006-2010, 2015-2024.
Educational Testing Services - Princeton, New Jersey- 2016 -2024.
1. Intertextualidad pintor escritor: René Magritte/Enrique Gómez-Correa. Revista Chilena de Literatura, No. 36, 1990, pp. 79-102.
(This article appears in JStor.)
2. La reciente poesía pura en la obra de Eugenio Florit. Círculo de Cultura Panamericano, Revista de Cultura. Vol XVI, 1987, pp. 101-108.
3. El amor concreto en Cántico de Jorge Guillén. Revista de Estudios Hispánicos. University of Alabama. Tomo XI, No.2, mayo de 1977, pp. 181-197.
4. Oda en la ceniza: el existencialismo de Carlos Bousoño en "Comentario Final". Entre Nosotros. University of Maine, April 1973.
5. Rubén Darío y Stéphane Mallarmé. Estudio Comparado. Entre Nosotros. University of Maine, April 1972.
2. The Origins of Vicente Huidobro's Creacionismo (1911-1916) and its Evolution (1917-1947). New York: Mellen Press, 1995.
(This book is found in many libraries in the US, France, a...)
1. The Life, Poetry, and Music of the Provençal Troubador Perdigon: Texts, Translations, and Interpretations. New York: Mellen Press, 2013.
(This book is found in many libraries in the US and abroad...)
3. La estética de Octavio Paz. Madrid: Playor, 1975.
(This book is found in many libraries in the US and abroad...)
3. Desde el Hudson/From the Hudson. Miami: Ultra, 1993.
(This book is found in many libraries in the US including ...)
2. Huellas/ Footprints. New York: The Nyack Press, 1997 (lst. ed.) and 2005 (2nd. ed.).
(This book is found in the Cuban Heritage Collection- Univ...)
1. The 'M' Poems. New York: The Lake Road Press, 2006.
12. "España en vida" collection of my poems. Award by the Círculo de Escritores y Poetas Iberoamericanos. Dec. 1976, NY.
(Award given and Poetry reading.)
1. Original poetry published in anthology "Centres of Expression". NY: Noble House, 2008.
2. Original poetry published in anthology "The International Who's Who of Poetry". Maryland: The International Library of Poetry, 2005.
3. Original poetry published in anthology "Theatre of the Mind". NY: Noble House, 2003.
4. Original poetry published in anthology "The Best Poems and Poets of 2002". Maryland: The International Library of Poetry, 2002.
5. Original poetry published in anthology "America at the Millenium". Maryland: The International Library of Poetry, 2000.
6. Original poetry published in anthology " Antología de poetas cubanos en Nueva York". Madrid: Betania, 1988.
8. Original poetry published in magazine Mester. University of California,Los Angeles. Vol .15, Fall 1986, p. 52, and in Vol. 7, May 1978, p2.
7. Original poetry published in magazine El Duende of C W Post College, New York. No. 1, 1979 , pp. 50-51 ; in No. 2, 1980, pp. 26-27; and No. 3, 1981, pp. 46-47.
9. Original poetry published in newspaper El Diario-La Prensa, Suplemento Literario Cultural, NY, 11 de julio, 1978, p. 20.
10. Original poetry published in Oscar Fernández de la Vega's "Siete voces femeninas de Cuba. Poesía Inter-Nos." NY #97, p. 2.
11. Original poetry published in magazine "Círculo Poético. Círculo de Cultura Panamericano", Cuadernos Nos. 6-7, 1975-1976, pp. 48-50; in Cuaderno No. 10, 1978, pp. 23-24; in Cuaderno No. 12, 1980, p, 26; and in Cuaderno Nos. 20-21, 1990-1991.
Words that define her: dedicated, hard worker, creative, open-minded, inquisitive, versatile.
"Je pense, donc je suis" - René Descartes.
"L’homme n’est qu’un roseau, le plus faible de la nature, mais c’est un roseau pensant "- Blaise Pascal.
"Il faut cultiver notre jardin" - Voltaire.
"La nature es un temple où de vivants piliers laissent parfois sortir de confuses paroles, l'homme y passe à travers des forêts de symboles... les parfums, les couleurs, et les sons se répondent" - Charles Baudelaire.
"Cultivo una rosa blanca en julio como en enero para el amigo sincero que me da su mano franca..." - José Martí.
"El Poeta es un pequeño Dios" - Vicente Huidobro.
"Hay que sentir el pensamiento y pensar el sentimiento " - Miguel de Unamuno.
"La lutte elle-même vers les sommets suffit à remplir un cœur d'homme" - Albert Camus.
"Nous sommes nos choix" - Jean-Paul Sartre.
"Le merveilleux est toujours beau, il n'y a même que le merveilleux qui soit beau" - André Breton.
"Sin libertad, la democracia es despotismo, sin democracia la libertad es una quimera" - Octavio Paz.
"Qui ne risque rien, n'a rien" - Anon.
Modern Language Association - Lifetime member
Circulo de Cultura Panamericano
The Hispanic Society of America
Academy of American Poets
Círculo Cultural Cubano
Luisa Marina Perdigó has been not only a modern languages (Spanish and French) college/university professor and administrator, but also a published literary critic and poet. In addition, in 2005, following her secondary interests in medicine, she became a licensed practical nurse in order to help other human beings, and has practiced in various medical settings.
To this day, she still keeps her careers very much alive by teaching languages and multiculturalism, writing, and working as a nurse.