His father - Samuel Henry Nerlov - was a native of Belarus (Vitebsk)
NERLOVE, Marc Leon was born in 1933 in Chicago, Illinois, United States of America.
His father - Samuel Henry Nerlov - was a native of Belarus (Vitebsk)
NERLOVE, Marc Leon was born in 1933 in Chicago, Illinois, United States of America.
Bachelor of Arts University Chicago, 1952. Master of Arts, Doctor of Philosophy Johns Hopkins University, 1955, 1956. Honorary Dr, University Mannheim, 1982.
Professional Activities:
Econometric Society: President, 1981; First Vice-President, 1980; Second Vice-President, 1979; Council 1963-66 and 1976-78; Chairman Program Committee, 1961 and 1975; Chairman, Frisch Medal Selection Committee, 1990; Chairman, 1990 Nominating Committee for Officers and Council.
International Economic Association: Chairman, Econometrics Section, 1989.
American Economic Association: Executive Committee, 1977-79; Editorial Boards, American Economic Review, 1970-72, and Journal of Economic Literature, 1969-71; Nominating Committee, 1964.
Director, Mathematical Social Science Board Summer Workshop on “Lags in Economic Behavior: Their Interpretation and Estimation,” 1970.
American Statistical Association: Associate Editor, Journal of the American Statistical Association, 1960-62; Advisory Committee to the U.S. Bureau of the Census, 1964-69; Advisory Committee to the Civil Aeronautics Board, 1966-68.
He earned a Bachelor of Arts with honors in mathematics in 1952 from the University of Chicago.
(In this edition Nerlove and his co-authors illustrate tec...)
Household and Economy: Welfare Economics of Endogenous Fertility, with A. Razin and E. Sadka. New York: Academic Press, Incorporated, 1987
Quantitative Economics and Development: Essays in Memory of Ta-Chung Liu, edited with L. R. Klein and S.C. Tsiang. New York: Academic Press, Incorporated, 1980
Methodology for Subjective Assessment of Technological Advancement, (with S. J. Press and A. J. Harman), Research and Development Corporation Research Report R- 1375, 1975
Univariate and Multivariate Log-Linear and Logistic Models, (with Society of Jesus (Jesuit) Press), Research and Development Corporation R-1306-EDA/National Institutes of Health. Santa Monica: Research and Development Corporation, 1973
Love and Life between the Censuses: A Model of Family Decision Making in Puerto Rico, 1950-60, with T.P. Schultz, Research and Development Corporation RM-6332-Agency for International Development. Santa Monica: Research and Development Corporation, 1970
Distributed Lags and Demand Analysis, Agricultural Handbook Northern 141. Washington, District of Columbia: Government Printing Office, 1958
The Supply Response for Rubber in Sri Lanka: A Preliminary Analysis, with M.J. Hartley and R.K. Peters. World Bank Staff Working Paper Northern 657. Washington, District of Columbia: International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, 1984
Scientific Papers of Tjalling C. Koopmans, edited with M. Beckmann and C.F. Christ. Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, 1970
Selected Readings in Econometrics from Econometrica, edited with J.W. Hooper. Cambridge: Massachusetts Institute of Technology Press, 1970
Estimation and Identification of Cobb-Douglas Production Functions. Chicago/Amsterdam: Rand McNally/North Holland, 1965
The Dynamics of Supply: Estimation of Farmers' Response to Price. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press, 1958
His father - Samuel Henr...