After leaving school, she studied German at the University of Odessa and started to write poems and publish.
After leaving school, she studied German at the University of Odessa and started to write poems and publish.
Marjana Michailowna Gaponenko (born 6 September 1981) is an Ukrainian writer In Germany she was initially promoted by Erik Martin in Muschelhaufen, and she became known to a wider circle of readers. In 2000, she made her debut with the poetry collection How tearless knights.
In 2001 she was one of the candidates for the title " Author of the Year" magazine Deutsche Sprachwelt. in 2010 published the first novel, Annushka flower, the Residenz Verlag.
Poems have been translated into English, French, Italian, Polish, Romanian and Turkish. In her novel Who is Martha ? (2012), two old men spend their last days in a posh Vienna Hotel and wait for death.
"As amazing as the young ", Volker Hage wrote in Der Spiegel, "also her novel Jubilee of the creation and its wonders is full of joie de vivre, also when it comes to last things". Theo Breuer (Hg): NordWestSüdOst.
Gedichte von Zeitgenossen, 2003.
Daniela Egger (Hg): Austern im Schnee und andere Sommergeschichten. Eine literarische Landkarte von Lech und Zürs. 2008. Shafiq Naz (Hg): Der deutsche Lyrikkalender.
Jeder Tag ein Gedicht, 2009.
Christoph Buchwald und Uljana Wolf (Hg): Jahrbuch der Lyrik, 2009. Axel Kutsch (Hg): Versnetze, Versnetze_zwei, Versnetze_drei.
Deutschsprachige Lyrik, 2008, 2009, 2010.
She is a member of the Author Forum The Golden Fish.