Burman, Marshall Lyle was born on July 22, 1929 in Chicago, Illinois, United States. Son of Henry L. and Florence (Rosin) Burman.
Burman, Marshall Lyle was born on July 22, 1929 in Chicago, Illinois, United States. Son of Henry L. and Florence (Rosin) Burman.
Bachelor of Science, Northwestern University, 1951. Bachelor of Laws, Yale University, 1954.
Practice in, Chicago, since 1957. Associate firm Arvey, Hodes, Costello & Burman, 1957-1960, member, since 1961. Director Helene Curtis Industries, Inc.
Member financial investment advisory panel National Railroad Passenger Corporation, 1970-1975.
President Young Mens Jewish Council, 1965. Chancellor Lincoln Academy of Illinois, 1978-1985. Director, chairman Illinois Board Investment.
President Water Tower Condominium Association, 1978-1982. Director Lincoln Park Zoological Society, 1981-1988. Trustee Latin School Chicago Served with Army of the United States, 1954-1956.
Member Illinois Bar Association, Chicago Bar Association, Chicago Club, Standard Club (director 1982-1988), Yale Club of Chicago, Hrmonie Club of New York City, Lake Shore Country Club, Phi Alpha Delta, Phi Epsilon Pi (president 1951).
Married Marian Sondheimer, June 28, 1953 (divorced July 1966). Children: Julie Anne, Jamie Alison. Married Susan Augustine, August 12, 1984.
1 son, James Augustine.