Coppola, Martin Nicholas Son of John Anthony Coppola and Daryl Lachman Steinhart.
Coppola, Martin Nicholas Son of John Anthony Coppola and Daryl Lachman Steinhart.
Bachelor of Science in Natural Science with honors, Liverpool University, England, 1986. Bachelor in Biology, State University of New York, Potsdam, 1987. Master in Administration, Center Michigan University, 1995.
Master of Health Administration, Baylor University, 1997. Doctor of Philosophy in Health Services Organization and Research, Virginia Commonwealth University, 2003.
Director Army-Baylor University graduate program in health and business administration United States Army, Fort Sam Houston, Texas, 2003—2006. Journal reviewer Journal Military Medicine. Lieutenant colonel, medical service United States Army, 1982—2006.
Member of American College of Healthcare Executives (regent, army), Association Military Surgeons of the United States (board directors 2004-2006), Masons (33rd Degree Free and Accpted Mason 1993).
Married Susannah Chambers, June 2000. Children: Nicholas William, Holly Kirkland, Georgia Angelene.