Valerio, Matthew F. was born on September 28, 1963 in Lawrence, Massachusetts, United States. Son of Fred Ernest Junior Valerio and Carole Elaine Mimeault.
Valerio, Matthew F. was born on September 28, 1963 in Lawrence, Massachusetts, United States. Son of Fred Ernest Junior Valerio and Carole Elaine Mimeault.
Bachelor, St. Michael's College, 1985. Juris Doctor, Western New England College, 1988.
Private practice, Springfield, Massachusetts, 1989. Associate Abatiell & Wysolmerski, Rutland, Vermont, 1989-1994. Partner Abatiell & Valerio, 1994—2001.
Defender general State of Vermont, since 2001. Adjunct professor College St. Joseph, Rutland, 1993-1999.
Financial chairman Rutland County Republican Committee, 1991-1993. Member American Bar Association (young lawyers division district representative Vermont, Maine 1994-1996, Vermont state membership chair since 1995), New England Bar Association (board directors since 1997, president 1999-2000, 05-06), Vermont Trial Lawyers Association, Vermont Bar Association (treasurer, executive committee young lawyers section 1990-1992, chairman executive committee 1993-1994, board bar manager 1992-2003, president 2001-2002, board bar managers 2005^, treasurer 2005^), Vermont Criminal Defense Lawyers Association (board directors 1993-1996), Association Trial Lawyers American, Kiwanis (board directors Rutland chapter 1990-1996, vice president 1991-1992, president 1993-1994, president Rutland area mentor program 1994-1996, distinguished service award 1989-1992, Northeast dis distinguished president award 1993-1994).
Married Joanne F. Stockton, August 6, 1988.