Berbary, Maurice Shehadeh was born on January 14, 1923 in Beirut, Lebanon. Son of Shehadeh M. and Marie K. Berbary. came to the United States, 1945, naturalized, 1952.
educator hospital administrator military officer physician
Berbary, Maurice Shehadeh was born on January 14, 1923 in Beirut, Lebanon. Son of Shehadeh M. and Marie K. Berbary. came to the United States, 1945, naturalized, 1952.
Bachelor, American University, Beirut, 1943. Doctor of Medicine, University Texas, Dallas, 1948. Master of Arts in Hospital Administration, Baylor University, 1970.
Diploma, Army Command and General Staff College, Leavenworth, Kansas, 1963. Diploma, Air Force School Aerospace Medicine, San Antonio, 1964. Diploma, Army War College, Carlisle, Pennsylvania, 1969.
Intern, Parkland Memorial Hospital, Dallas, 1948-1949;
resident in obstetrics-gynecology., general surgery and urology, Parkland Memorial Hospital, Dallas, 1949-1953;
resident in obstetrics-gynecology., Walter Reed Army Hospital, Washington, 1955-1957;
fellow in obstetric and gynecologic pathology, Armed Forces Institute Pathology, Washington, 1959-1960;
practice clinical medicine in obstetrics-gynecology., since 1953;
captain MC, United States Army, 1952;
advanced through grades to colonel, United States Army, 1968;
senior flight surgeon, United States Army, 1970;
chief department obstetrics-gynecology., United States Army Hospital, Fort Polk, Louisiana, 1957-1959;
chief department obstetrics-gynecology., Womack Army Hospital, Fort Bragg, North Carolina, 1960-1962;
division surgeon, 1st. infantry division, Fort Riley, Kansas, 1963-1964;
division surgeon, 3d. Armored division, Germany, 1964-1965;
corps surgeon, V. Corps, Germany, 1965-1967;
corps surgeon, 24th Army Corps, S. Vietnam Theater of Operation, 1970;
commander, hospital administrator, United States Army Hospital, Teheran, Iran, 1954-1955;
commander, 43d Hospital Group Complex, Vietnam, 1969-1970;
command surgeon, United States Armed Forces Command and United States Army South, United States Canal Zone, Panama, 1970-1973;
commander, 5th General Hospital, Stuttgart, West Germany, 1973-1977;
commander, Munson Army Hospital, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, 1977-1981;
senior staff officer department obstetrics-gynecology, William Beaumont Army Medical Center, Fort Bliss, Texas, 1981-1983;
retired, 1983;
consultant health care administration and medical-legal affairs, since 1984. Visiting lecturer obstetrics-gynecology. pathology Duke U. Medical Center, Durham, North Carolina, 1960-1962.
Clinical instructor department obstetrics-gynecology. U. Kansas College Medicine, Kansas City, 1963-1980, advanced to clinical assistant professor, since 1980. Instructor 5th Army NCO Academy, Fort Riley, Kansas, 1963-1964.
Fellow American College of Surgeons, American College Ob-Gyn., American College Health Care Executives. Member American Medical Association, Association Military Surgeons, American Occupational Medical Association, Society United States Army Flight Surgeons, American Hospital assosiation, New York Academy Sciences, Texas State Medical Association, Dallas County Medical Society, International Platform Association, Masons (32 degree).
Children: Geoffrey Maurice, Laura Marie.