Merit Bennett was born on September 8, 1947 in Spokane, Washington, District of Columbia, United States.
Merit Bennett was born on September 8, 1947 in Spokane, Washington, District of Columbia, United States.
Merit Bennett graduated from the United States Air Force Academy in 1969, with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Western European Area Studies and proficiency in French, German and Spanish.
At his sophomore year, he was selected to the German Air Force Academy in Neubiberg, Germany, as a summer exchange student. A year later, Bennett graduated from the United States Army Airborne (Parachute Training) School in Fort Benning, Georgia.
Merit received a Master’s Degree in Political Science from the University of Colorado in 1972.
In 1975, Merit Bennett graduated from the Washington College of Law at the American University in Washington, D.C., where he received a Law Degree.
In 1970s, Merit Bennett volunteered as a Teaching Intern at the American University Learning Center, assisting the Director of the Learning Center, Dr. Charles Ferster and also worked as a legal assistant for the U.S. Cost of Living Council and for the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
Then, he served in the Air Force with the Office of Special Investigation (OSI) in Boston, Massachusetts, and in Washington, D.C., and as the Chief Supply Officer for the NORAD Command Center in Cheyenne Mountain, Colorado Springs, Colorado.
In 1975, Bennett was admitted to the bar of Pikes Peak Legal Services in Colorado Springs, Colorado. He received a Law Enforcement Assistance Administration (U.S. Department of Justice) federal grant to defend indigent/homeless juveniles who were charged with felony crimes. His legal career began.
In 1983, Merit established his own general practice with Michael Hockersmith and formed the law firm of Tisdel, Mathis, Reed, Hockersmith & Bennett in Ouray, Colorado, United States.
In 1986, Merit established a general practice, emphasizing business law and business litigation in Santa Fe, New Mexico, United States. In 1987, Merit served as Special Counsel for litigation for the firm of Mitchell & Alley (John Mitchell and Jim Alley) until he returned to solo practice in 1989 to engage primarily in personal injury law.
In 1994, Merit Bennett with his colleague, Stephen Tinkler, formed Tinkler & Bennett firm. It specialized in civil litigation until 2004, when Merit formed his own firm, now known as The Bennett Law Group.
Merit Bennett is a talented lawyer who founded such well known law firms such as Tisdel, Mathis, Reed, Hockersmith & Bennett, Tinkler & Bennett, The Bennett Law Group.
At graduation from the Washington College of Law, he was awarded a Best of Clinical Program Award as one of three students to participate in the first Clinical Semester Program initiated by an area law school in the Maryland State’s Attorney’s Office.
(A provocative book about the need for the legal professio...)
Merit Bennett married Dori, an artist, on November, 1986. The couple have four children whose names are Talia Kosh, Grant Kosh, Colin, Kelsey.