Hanack, Michael was born on October 22, 1931 in Luckenwalde, Germany. Son of Georg and Elisabeth (Gimpel) Hanack.
Hanack, Michael was born on October 22, 1931 in Luckenwalde, Germany. Son of Georg and Elisabeth (Gimpel) Hanack.
From 1949/50 to 1954 he studied Chemistry, Philosophy and Economics at the universities of Freiburg, Bonn and Tuebingen and obtained his Diplomchemiker degree in 1954. He worked for his Doktorarbeit under supervision of Professor Walter Hückel and finished his thesis in 1957 with a work titled "Solvolyse der Toluolsulfonate der stereoisomeren cis-alpha-Hydrindanole und Beiträge zur Messmethodik" (Solvolysis of toluenesulfonates of stereoisomeric cis-alpha-hydrindanoles and contributions to the methodology of kinetic measurements).
Organic fluorine compounds, perfluorinated pyrethroids stereochemistry, conformational analysis organic reaction mechanisms, chemistry of vinyl and phenyl cations synthesis of macroheterocyclic transition metal complexes (such as phthalocyanines) as intrinsic organic conductors (“shish-kebab“ polymers) compounds with magnetic and non-linear optical properties ing group In his function as Doktorvater, he had more than 230 doctoral students in addition to many postdoctoral students and guest researchers who studied in his laboratory. 1982-2003 Editorial Board of Houben-Weyl Methods of Organic Chemistry (Thieme Medical Publishers) 1985-1998 Editorial Advisory Board of Synthesis (journal) (Thieme Medical Publishers) 1999-2008 Honorary Advisory Board of Synthesis (journal) (Thieme Medical Publishers) 2004-2008 Editorial Board of Synthetic Metals (Elsevier) since 1997 Editorial Board of Journal of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines (John Wiley & Sons, World Scientific).
Member Lions.
Married Ingrid Grabert, March 9, 1964. Children: Matthias, Juliane.