Rosenzweig, Michael Leo was born on June 25, 1941 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States. Son of Max and Phyllis (Fine) Rosenzweig.
(Species diversity is marked by some interesting facts--su...)
Species diversity is marked by some interesting facts--such as larger areas have more species, and diversity is particularly high near the equator. Other factors to consider are what reduces diversity in ecologically productive places and across what scales of space and time diversity patterns hold. This book examines these questions and many others, the author employing both theory and data in his search for answers. Surprisingly, many of the questions have reasonably likely answers. By identifying these, attention can be turned toward life's many still-unexplained diversity patterns. As evolutionary ecologists race to understand biodiversity before it is too late, this book will help set the agenda for diversity research into the next century and will be useful to graduate students and researchers in ecology and evolutionary and conservation biology.
Rosenzweig, Michael Leo was born on June 25, 1941 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States. Son of Max and Phyllis (Fine) Rosenzweig.
Bachelor of Arts in Zoology with honors, University of Pennsylvania, 1962; Doctor of Philosophy in Zoology, University of Pennsylvania, 1966.
Assistant professor biology, Bucknell U., Lewisburg, Pennsylvania, 1965-1969;
assistant professor biology, State University of New York, Albany, 1969-1971;
associate professor, U. New Mexico, 1971-1975;
professor ecology and evolutionary biology, U. Arizona, Tucson, since 1975. Visiting assistant professor Cranberry Lake Biological Station, State University of New York, Albany, 1969. Visiting professor zoology University of Wisconsin, Madison, 1990-1991.
Visiting professor biology Ben-Gurion U., Israel, 1981-1982. Consultant Susquehanna Economics Development Association, Pennsylvania, 1970-1971, Environmental Protection Agency, 1979, Institute Ecology, 1979, Department of Energy, 1989, U. Minn.Dept. Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, 1990.
Consultant United States Congress, 1974, member science advisory panel to the commission on public works, member task force on population distribution and carrying capacity, member task force on growth policy.
(Species diversity is marked by some interesting facts--su...)
Member Ecological Society American, American Society Naturalists, Society for Study of Evolution (vice president 1988-1989), Society of Population Ecology (Japan), British Ecological Society, Ecological Society Australia, American Society Mamalogists, Sigma Xi, Phi Beta Kappa, Pi Mu Epsilon, Pi Gamma Mu, Alpha Epsilon Delta.
Married Carole Ruth Citron, June 4, 1961. Children: Abby Judith Rosenzweig Daniel, Juli Ellen, Ephron Solomon.