Aron, Nan was born on January 4, 1948 in New York City. Daughter of Jerome I. and Joan B. Aron.
advocacy organization administrator
Aron, Nan was born on January 4, 1948 in New York City. Daughter of Jerome I. and Joan B. Aron.
Bachelor, Oberlin College, Ohio, 1970. Bachelor of Laws, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, 1973.
Trial attorney Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, Washington, 1973-1976. Staff attorney national prison project American Civil Liberties Union, 1976-1979. Founder, president Alliance for Justice, since 1979, founder Judicial Selection Project, 1985.
Adjunct professor law George Washington University, Georgetown University.
(A study of public interest law in the 1980s and beyond.)
Member dean's advisory council American University Washington College Law.
Married Bernard S. Aron, December 28, 1969. Children: Nicholas, Emma, Elena.