Karol, Nathaniel H. was born on February 16, 1929 in New York City. Son of Isidore and Lillian (Orlow) Karol.
Karol, Nathaniel H. was born on February 16, 1929 in New York City. Son of Isidore and Lillian (Orlow) Karol.
Bachelor of Science in Social Science, City College of New York, 1949. Master of Arts (fellow), Yale University, 1950. Bachelor of Laws, New York University, 1957.
Master of Laws, New York University, 1959. Juris Doctor, New York University, 1966.
Management trainee, Curtiss Wright Corporation, Wood-Ridge, New Jersey, 1956-1957; practiced in, New York City, 1957-1958; contracting officer, United States Air Force, New York City, 1958-1962; chief contract management survey and cost administration, Office of Procurement, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Washington, 1962-1964; assistant director cost reduction, 1964-1966; deputy assistant secretary, Grants Administration, Department of Health, Education and Welfare, Washington, 1966-1969; university dean, City Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta executive director, Research Foundation, 1969-1973; vice president, Hebrew Union College, Cincinnati, 1973-1975; partner, national chairman consultant services for education, Coopers & Lybrand (Certified Public Accountants), Chicago, 1975-1981; president, Nathaniel H. Karol & Associations Ltd., since 1981. Consultant to government agys. and educational institutions, since 1969.
Served with United States Army, 1953-1956. Member New York Bar, National Association College and University Business Officers, National Association College and University Attorneys.
Married Liliane Leser, July 20, 1967. Children: David, Jordan.