Oeuvres complètes de Niels Henrik Abel: Nouvelle édition
(Niels Henrik Abel (1802-29) was one of the most prominent...)
Niels Henrik Abel (1802-29) was one of the most prominent mathematicians in the first half of the nineteenth century. His pioneering work in diverse areas such as algebra, analysis, geometry and mechanics has made the adjective 'abelian' a commonplace in mathematical writing.
Il manoscritto parigino di Abel. Conservato nella Biblioteca Moreniana di Firenze-The Abel's parisian manuscript. Preserved in the Moreniana Library of Florence
Niels Henrik Abel. En skildring af hans liv og videnskabelige virksomhed ... Fölgeskrift til "Nordisk tidskrift för vetenskap, konst och industri, etc."
Niels Henrik Abel was a Norwegian mathematician, who made pioneering contributions in a variety of fields. He is considered to be a pioneer in the development of several branches of modern mathematics. He was the inventor of the group theory and gave proof of the binomial theorem.
Niels Henrik Abel was born on August 5, 1802, in Nedstrand, Norway. Abel’s father, Soren Georg Abel, was a Lutheran minister and himself the son of a minister. He was a gifted and highly ambitious theologian, educated at the University of Copenhagen, which was at that time the only such institution in the united kingdom of Denmark-Norway. He had married Ane Marie Simonson, the daughter of a wealthy merchant and shipowner in the town of Risor on the southern coast. Finnoy was the first parish for pastor Abel; it was small and toilsome, comprising several islands. The couple had seven children, six sons and a daughter; Niels Henrik was their second child.
In 1804 Soren Georg Abel was appointed successor to his father in the parish of Gjerstad, near Risor. The political situation in Norway was tense. Because of its alliance with Denmark, the country had been thrown into the Napoleonic Wars on the side of France, and a British blockade of the coast created widespread famine. Pastor Abel was prominent in the nationalistic movement, working for the creation of separate Norwegian institutions - particularly a university and a national bank - if not for outright independence. At the conclusion of the peace treaty of Kiel, Denmark ceded Norway to Sweden. The Norwegians revolted and wrote their own constitution, but after a brief and futile war against the Swedes under Bemadotte, they were compelled to seek an armistice. A union with Sweden was accepted, and Abel’s father became one of the members of the extraordinary Storting called in the fall of 1814 to write the necessary revision of the new constitution.
In 1818 pastor Abel was reelected to the Storting, after an unsuccessful bid in 1816. But his political career ended in tragedy. He made violent unfounded charges against other representatives and was threatened with impeachment. This, together with his drunkenness, made him the butt of the press. He returned home in disgrace, a disillusioned man. Both he and his wife suffered from alcoholism, and the conditions at the vicarage and in the parish became scandalous. It was generally considered a relief when he died in 1820. His widow was left in very straitened circumstances, with a small pension barely sufficient to support her and her many children.
Niels Henrik Abel and his brothers received their first instruction from their father, but in 1815 Abel and his older brother were sent to the Cathedral School in Christiania (Oslo). This was an old school to which many public officials in the province sent their children; some fellowships were available. The Cathedral School had been excellent, but was then at a low ebb, because most of its good teachers had accepted positions at the new university, which began instruction in 1813.
Abel was only thirteen years old when he left home, and it seems probable that deteriorating family life expedited his departure. During the first couple of years his marks were only satisfactory; then the quality of his work declined. His brother fared even worse; he began to show signs of mental illness and finally had to be sent home.
In 1817 an event took place at the school that was destined to change Abel’s life. The mathematics teacher mistreated one of the pupils, who died shortly afterward, possibly as a consequence of the punishment. The teacher was summarily dismissed and his place was taken by Bemt Michael Holmboe, who was only seven years older than Abel. Holmboe also served as an assistant to Christoffer Hansteen, professor of astronomy and the leading scientist at the university.
It did not take Holmboe long to discover young Abel’s extraordinary ability in mathematics. He began by giving him special problems and recommending books outside the school curriculum. The two then started to study together the calculus texts of Euler, and later the works of the French mathematicians, particularly Lagrange and Laplace. So rapid was Abel’s progress that he soon became the real teacher. From notebooks preserved in the library of the University of Oslo one sees that even in these early days he was already particularly interested in algebraic equation theory. By the time he finished school, he was familiar with most of the important mathematical literature. Holmboe was so delighted by the mathematical genius he had discovered that the rector of the school made him moderate his statements about Abel in the record book. But the professors at the university were well informed by Holmboe about the promising young man and made his personal acquaintance. Besides Hansteen, who also taught applied mathematics, there was only one professor of mathematics, Soren Rasmussen, a former teacher at the Cathedral School. Rasmussen, a kindly man, was not a productive scholar; his time was largely taken up by tasks assigned to him by government, particularly in his post as an administrator of the new Bank of Norway.
The penniless Abel entered the university in the fall of 1821. He was granted a free room at the university dormitory and received permission to share it with his younger brother Peder. But the new institution had no fellowship funds, and some of the professors took the unusual measure of supporting the young mathematician out of their own salaries. He was a guest in their houses and became particularly attracted to the Hansteen home, and to Mrs. Hansteen and her sisters.
Upon his return to Oslo, Abel again took up the question of the solution of the quintic equation. This time he took the reverse view and succeeded in solving the centuries-old problem by proving the impossibility of a radical expression that represents a solution of the general fifth- or higher-degree equation. To save expense the whole pamphlet was compressed to six pages. The resulting brevity probably made it difficult to understand; at any rate, there was no reaction from any of the foreign mathematicians - including the great C. F. Gauss, to whom a copy was sent.
It had become clear that Abel could no longer live on the support of the professors. His financial problems had been increased by his engagement to Christine Kemp, who had come to Norway as a governess for the children of a family living near Oslo.
Abel applied for a travel grant, and after some delays the government decided that Abel should receive a small stipend to study languages at the university to prepare him for travel abroad. He was then to receive a grant of 600 daler for two years of foreign study. Abel was disappointed at the delay but dutifully studied languages, particularly French, and used his time to prepare a considerable number of papers to be presented to foreign mathematicians. During the summer of 1825 he departed, together with four friends, all of whom also intended to prepare themselves for future scientific careers; one of them later became professor of medicine, and the three others became geologists. Abel’s friends all planned to go to Berlin, while Abel, upon Hansteen’s advice, was to spend his time in Paris, then the world’s principal center of mathematics. Abel feared being lonely, however, and also decided to go to Berlin, although he well knew that he would incur the displeasure of his protector.
Niels Abel's short life was largely spent in scientific discovery and personal disappointment. Constantly struggling against poverty and disease, he left enough for mathematicians, as Charles Hermite said, to keep them busy for five hundred years. Perhaps his most famous discovery was the impossibility of solving the general fifth-degree equation by means of a finite number of applications of the fundamental operations of arithmetic. He made monumental discoveries in the theory of elliptic functions, and Abelian functions bear his name. His mathematical research can be found at the Journal fur die reine und angewandie Mathemalik, or Crelle’s Journal, as it is commonly known, which was the leading German mathematical periodical during the nineteenth century. The first volume alone contains seven papers by Abel and the following volumes contain many more, most of them of preeminent importance in the history of mathematics. Among the first is the expanded version of the proof of the impossibility of the solution of the general quintic equation by radicals. Here Abel develops the necessary algebraic background, including a discussion of algebraic field extensions. Abel was at this time not aware that he had a precursor, the Italian mathematician Paolo Ruffini.
After Abel’s departure from Oslo from Berlin an event took place that caused him much concern. Abel`s former mentor Rasmussen had found his professorship in mathematics too burdensome when combined with his public duties. He resigned, and shortly afterward the faculty voted to recommend that Holmboe be appointed to fill the vacancy. Abel’s Norwegian friends found the action highly unjust, and Abel himself probably felt the same way. Nevertheless, he wrote a warm letter of congratulation to his former teacher, and they remained good friends. But it is evident that from this moment Abel worried about his future and his impending marriage; there was no scientific position in sight for him in his home country.
During the winter in Berlin, Abel contributed to Crelle’s Journal; among the notable papers are one on the generalization of the binomial formula and another on the integration of square root expressions. But one of his main mathematical concerns was the lack of stringency in contemporary mathematics. A result of this struggle was his classic paper on power series which contains many general theorems and also, as an application, the stringent determination of the sum of the binomial series for arbitrary real or complex exponents.
During the early spring of 1826, Abel felt obliged to proceed to his original destination, Paris. Crelle had promised to accompany him, and on the way they intended to stop in Gottingen to visit Gauss. Unfortunately, pressure of business prevented Crelle from leaving Berlin. At the same time, Abel’s Norwegian friends were planning a geological excursion through central Europe, and, again reluctant to be separated from them, he joined the group. They traveled by coach through Bohemia, Austria, northern Italy, and the Alps. Abel did not reach Paris until July, low on funds after the expensive trip.
The visit to Paris was to prove disappointing. The university vacations had just begun when Abel arrived, and the mathematicians had left town. When they returned, he found that they were aloof and difficult to approach; it was only in passing that he met Legendre, whose main interest in his old age was elliptic integrals, Abel’s own specialty. For presentation to the French Academy of Sciences Abel had reserved a paper that he considered his masterpiece. It dealt with the sum of integrals of a given algebraic function. Abel’s theorem states that any such sum can be expressed as a fixed number p of these integrals, with integration arguments that are algebraic functions of the original arguments. The minimal number p is the genus of the algebraic function, and this is the first occurrence of this fundamental quantity. Abel’s theorem is a vast generalization of Euler’s relation for elliptic integrals.
Abel spent his first months in Paris completing his great memoir; it is one of his longest papers and includes a broad theory with applications. It was presented to the Academy of Sciences on 30 October 1826, under the title “Mémoire sur une propriété générale d’une classe très-étendue de fonctions transcendantes.” Cauchy and Legendre were appointed referees, Cauchy being chairman. A number of young men had gained quick distinction upon having their works accepted by the Academy, and Abel awaited the referees’ report. No report was forthcoming, however; indeed, it was not issued until Abel’s death forced its appearance. Cauchy seems to have been to blame; he claimed later that the manuscript was illegible.
Abel’s next two months in Paris were gloomy; he had little money and few acquaintances. He met P. G. L. Dirichlet, his junior by three years and already a well-known mathematician, through a paper in the Academy sponsored by Legendre. Another acquaintance was Frédéric Saigey, editor of the scientific revue Ferrusac’s Bulletin, for whom Abel wrote a few articles, particularly about his own papers in Crelle’s Journal. After Christmas he spent his last resources to pay his fare to Berlin.
Shortly after his return to Berlin, Abel fell ill; he seems to have then suffered the first attack of the tuberculosis that was later to claim his life. He borrowed some money from Holmboe, and Crelle probably helped him. Abel longed to return to Norway but felt compelled to remain abroad until his fellowship term had expired. Crelle tried to keep him in Berlin until he could find a position for him at a German university; in the meantime he offered him the editorship of his Journal.
Abel worked assiduously on a new paper: “Recherches sur les fonctions elliptiques,” his most extensive publication (125 pages in the Oeuvres complètes). In this work he radically transformed the theory of elliptic integrals to the theory of elliptic functions by using their inverse functions corresponding in the most elementary case to the duality. The elliptic functions thereby become a vast and natural generalization of the trigonometric functions; in the wake of Abel’s work they were to constitute one of the favorite research topics in mathematics during the nineteenth century. Abel had already developed most of the theory as a student in Oslo, so he was able to present the theory of elliptic functions with a great richness of detail, including double periodicity, expansions in infinite series and products, and addition theorems. The theory led to the expressions for functions of a multiple of the argument with the concomitant determination of the equations for fractional arguments and their solution by radicals, much in the way that Gauss had treated the cyclotomie equations; Abel’s letters to Holmboe (from Paris in December 1826 and from Berlin on 4 March 1827) indicate that he was particularly fascinated by a determination of the condition for a lemniscate to be divisible into equal parts by means of compass and ruler, analogous to Gauss’s construction of regular polygons. The last part deals with the so-called theory of complex multiplication, later so important in algebraic number theory.
Abel returned to Oslo on 20 May 1827, to find that the situation at home was as gloomy as he had feared. He had no position in prospect, no fellowship, and an abundance of debts. His application to have his fellowship prolonged was turned down by the Department of Finance, but the university courageously awarded him a small stipend out of its meager funds. This action was criticized by the department, which reserved the right to have the amount deducted from any future salary he might receive.
Abel’s fiancée found a new position with friends of Abel’s family, the family of the owner of an iron works at Froland, near Arendal. During the fall Abel eked out a living in Oslo by tutoring schoolboys and probably with the help of friends. At the new year the situation became brighter. Hansteen, a pioneer in geomagnetic studies, received a large grant for two years to examine the earth’s magnetic field in unexplored Siberia. In the meantime Abel became his substitute both at the university and at the Norwegian Military Academy.
The first part of the “Recherches” was published in Crelle’s Journal in September 1827, and Abel completed the second part during the winter. He lived in isolation at Oslo; there was no package mail during the winter, and he had no inkling of the interest his memoir had created among European mathematicians. Nor did he know that a competitor had appeared in the field of elliptic functions until early in 1828, when Hansteen showed him the September issue of the Astronomische Nachrichten. In this journal a young German mathematician, K. G. J. Jacobi, announced without proofs some results concerning the transformation theory of elliptic integrals. Abel hurriedly added a note to the manuscript of the second part of the “Recherches,” showing how Jacobi’s results were the consequence of his own.
Abel was keenly aware that a race was at hand. He interrupted a large paper on the theory of equations that was to contain the determination of all equations that can be solved by radicals; the part that was published contained the theory of those equations that are now known as Abelian. He then wrote, in rapid succession, a series of papers on elliptic functions. The first was “Solution d’un problème général concernant la transformation des fonctions elliptiques.” This, his direct response to Jacobi, was published in Astronomische Nachrichteiv, the others appeared in Crelle’s Journal. In addition, Abel prepared a book-length memoir, “Précis d’une théorie des fonctions elliptiques,” which was published after his death. Jacobi, on the other hand, wrote only brief notices which did not reveal his methods; these were reserved for his book, Fundamenta nova theoriaefunctionum ellipticarum (1829).
Much has been written about the early theory of elliptic functions. There seems to be little doubt that Abel was in possession of the ideas several years before Jacobi. On the other hand, it is also an established fact that Gauss, although publishing nothing, had discovered the principles of elliptic functions long before either Abel or Jacobi.
The European mathematicians watched with fascination the competition between the two young mathematicians. Legendre noticed Jacobi’s announcements and also received a letter from him. In a meeting of the French Academy in November 1827, he praised the new mathematical star; the speech was reproduced in the newspapers and Legendre sent the clipping to Jacobi. In his reply Jacobi, after expressing his thanks, pointed out Abel’s “Recherches” and its general results. Legendre responded: “Through these works you two will be placed in the class of the foremost analysts of our times.” He also expressed his disappointment over Jacobi’s method of publication and was irritated when Jacobi confessed that in order to derive some of his results he had had to rely on Abel’s paper. About this time also, Abel began a correspondence with Legendre and poured out his ideas to him.
All that the European mathematicians knew about Abel’s condition in Norway was that he had only a temporary position and had recently been compelled to tutor schoolboys to make a living. The main source of their information was Crelle, who constantly used his influence to try to obtain an appointment for Abel at a new scientific institute to be created in Berlin. Progress was very slow, however. In September 1828 four prominent members of the French Academy of Sciences took the extraordinary step of addressing a petition directly to Bernadotte, now Charles XIV of Norway-Sweden, calling attention to Abel and urging that a suitable scientific position be created for him. In a meeting of the Academy, on 25 February 1829, Legendre also paid tribute to Abel and his discoveries, particularly to his results in the theory of equations.
In the meantime Abel, in spite of his deteriorating health, wrote new papers frantically. He spent the summer vacation of 1828 on the Froland estate with his fiancée. At Christmas he insisted on visiting her again, notwithstanding that it required several days’ travel in intense cold. He was feverish when he arrived, but enjoyed the family Christmas celebration. He may have had a premonition that his days were numbered, however, and he now feared that the great paper submitted to the French Academy had been lost forever. He therefore wrote a brief note, “Demonstration d’une propriété générale d’une certaine classe de fonctions transcendantes,” in which he gave a proof of the main theorem. He mailed it to Crelle on 6 January 1829.
While waiting for the sled that was to return him to Oslo, Abel suffered a violent hemorrhage; the doctor diagnosed his illness as tuberculosis and ordered prolonged bed rest. He died in April, at the age of twenty-six, and was buried at the neighboring Froland church during a blizzard. The grave is marked by a monument erected by his friends. One of them, Baltazar Keilhau, wrote to Christine Kemp, without ever having seen her, and made her an offer of marriage which she accepted. Two days after Abel’s death Crelle wrote jubilantly to inform him that his appointment in Berlin had been secured.
On 28 June 1830, the French Academy of Sciences awarded its Grand Prix to Abel and Jacobi for their outstanding mathematical discoveries. After an intensive search in Paris the manuscript of Abel’s great memoir was rediscovered. It was published in 1841, fifteen years after it had been submitted. During the printing it again disappeared, not to reappear until 1952 in Florence.
Abel`s most famous single result is the first complete proof demonstrating the impossibility of solving the general quintic equation in radicals. He was also an innovator in the field of elliptic functions, discoverer of Abelian functions. Niels also contributed to many journals throughout his career including "Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik" for which he wrote seven articles and "Crelles Journal". His research in "theory of functions" led to a new form of functions known as the "Abelian functions". His most significant work was for the French Academy of Sciences and it was a theorem on the addition of algebraic differentials.
Niels was awarded Grand Prix by the French Academy of Sciences on 28 June 1830, for his outstanding mathematical discoveries. A crater on the Moon is named after him. In 2002 the Norwegian government established the Abel Prize in mathematics.
During his last year at school Abel, with the vigor and immodesty of youth, attacked the problem of the solution of the quintic equation. This problem had been outstanding since the days of del Ferro, Tartaglia, Cardano, and Ferrari in the first half of the sixteenth century. Abel believed that he had succeeded in finding the form of the solution, but in Norway there was no one capable of understanding his arguments, nor was there any scientific journal in which they could be published. Hansteen forwarded the paper to the Danish mathematician Ferdinand Degen, requesting its publication by the Danish Academy. Degen could not discover any fault in the arguments, but requested that Abel illustrate his method by an example. Degen suggested that Abel turn his attention to a topic “whose development would have the greatest consequences for analysis and mechanics. I refer to the elliptic transcendentals [elliptic integrals]. A serious investigator with suitable qualifications for research of this kind would by no means be restricted to the many beautiful properties of these most remarkable functions, but could discover a Strait of Magellan leading into wide expanses of a tremendous analytic ocean.”
Abel began constructing his examples for the solution of the fifth-degree equation, but discovered to his dismay that his method was not correct. He also followed Degen’s suggestion about the elliptic transcendentals, and it is probable that within a couple of years he had in the main completed his theory of the elliptic functions.
In 1823 this journal published Abel’s first article, in Norwegian, a study of functional equations. Mathematically it was not important, nor was his second little paper. The subscribers to the magazine had been promised a popular review, however, and Hansteen, probably after criticism, felt obliged to apologize for the character of these papers: “Thus I believe that the Magazin in addition to scientific materials should also further the tools serving for their analysis. It will be reckoned to our credit that we have given the learned public an opportunity to become acquainted with a work from the pen of this talented and skillful author.”
Abel’s next paper, “Oplasning afet Par Opgaver ved bjoelp af bestemte Integraler” (“Solution of Some Problems by Means of Definite Integrals”), is of importance in the history of mathematics, since it contains the first solution of an integral equation. The paper, which went unnoticed at the time, in part because it was in Norwegian, deals with the mechanical problem of the motion of a mass point on a curve under the influence of gravitation. During the winter of 1822-1823 Abel also composed a longer work on the integration of functional expressions. The paper was submitted to the university Collegium in the hope that that body would assist in its publication. The manuscript has disappeared, but it seems likely that some of the results obtained in it are included in some of Abel’s later papers.
On passing through Copenhagen, Abel learned that Degen had died, but he secured a letter of recommendation from one of the other Danish mathematicians to Privy Councilor August Leopold Crelle. Crelle was a very influential engineer, intensely interested in mathematics although not himself a strong mathematician.
When Abel first called upon Crelle, he had some difficulty in making himself understood, but after a while Crelle recognized the unusual qualities of his young visitor. The two became lifelong friends. Abel presented him with a copy of his pamphlet on the quintic equation, but Crelle confessed that it was unintelligible to him and recommended that Abel write an expanded version of it. They talked about the poor state of mathematics in Germany.
"When I expressed surprise over the fact that there existed no mathematical journal, as in France, he said that he had long intended to edit one, and would presently bring his plan to execution. This project is now organized, and that to my great joy, for 1 shall have a place where I can get some of my articles printed. I have already prepared four of them, which will appear in the first number."
In a posthumous paper on the equations which are solvable by radicals Abel states: “The only one before me, if I am not mistaken, who has tried to prove the impossibility of the algebraic [radical] solution of the general equations is the mathematician Ruffini, but his paper is so complicated that it is very difficult to judge on the correctness of his arguments. It seems to me that it is not always satisfactory.” The result is usually referred to as the Abel-Ruffini theorem.
In letters to Holmboe, in one of these, dated 16 January 1826, he wrote:
"My eyes have been opened in the most surprising manner. If you disregard the very simplest cases, there is in all of mathematics not a single infinite series whose sum has been stringently determined. In other words, the most important parts of mathematics stand without foundation. It is true that most of it is valid, but that is very surprising. I struggle to find the reason for it, an exceedingly interesting problem."
Abel said famously of Carl Friedrich Gauss's writing style: "He is like the fox, who effaces his tracks in the sand with his tail."
Abel wrote in a letter about himself: "I am so constituted that I cannot endure solitude. Alone, I am depressed, I get cantankerous, and I have little inclination to work."
Physical Characteristics:
While living in Paris, Abel contracted tuberculosis and suffered from the illness ever since.
Quotes from others about the person
Crelle wrote an extensive eulogy of Abel in his Journal:
"All of Abel’s works carry the imprint of ingenuity and force of thought which is unusual and sometimes amazing, even if the youth of the author is not taken into consideration. One may say that he was able to penetrate all obstacles down to the very foundations of the problems, with a force which appeared irresistible; he attacked the problems with an extraordinary energy; he regarded them from above and was able to soar so high over their present state that all the difficulties seemed to vanish under the victorious onslaught of his genius... But it was not only his great talent which created the respect for Abel and made his loss infinitely regrettable. He distinguished himself equally by the purity and nobility of his character and by a rare modesty which made his person cherished to the same unusual degree as was his genius."
Early in the summer of 1823 Abel received a gift of 100 daler from Professor Rasmussen to finance a trip to Copenhagen to meet Degen and the other Danish mathematicians. His letters to Holmboe reveal the mathematical inspiration that he received. He stayed in the house of his uncle and here made the acquaintance of his future fiancée, Christine Kemp.
Soren Georg Abel
Ane Marie Simonson
She was the daughter of a wealthy merchant and shipowner in the town of Risor on the southern coast.
Christine Kemp
Bernt Michael Holmboe
Following a short period at the Royal Frederick University, which included a stint as assistant to Christopher Hansteen, Holmboe was hired as a mathematics teacher at the Christiania Cathedral School in 1818, where he met the future renowned mathematician Niels Henrik Abel. Holmboe's lasting impact on mathematics worldwide has been said to be his tutoring of Abel, both in school and privately.
Soren Rasmussen
Rasmussen was a professor of mathematics, a former teacher at the Cathedral School.
August Leopold Crelle
He was a very influential engineer, intensely interested in mathematics although not himself a strong mathematician.
Niels Henrik Abel and his Times
Everyone with an interest in the history of mathematics and science will enjoy reading this book on one of the most famous mathematicians of the 19th century. The author, who is both a historian and a mathematician, has written the definitive biography of Niels Henrik Abel.
Abel's Proof: An Essay on the Sources and Meaning of Mathematical Unsolvability
The intellectual and human story of a mathematical proof that transformed our ideas about mathematics. In 1824 a young Norwegian named Niels Henrik Abel proved conclusively that algebraic equations of the fifth order are not solvable in radicals. In this book Peter Pesic shows what an important event this was in the history of thought. He also presents it as a remarkable human story. Abel was twenty-one when he self-published his proof, and he died five years later, poor and depressed, just before the proof started to receive wide acclaim. Abel's attempts to reach out to the mathematical elite of the day had been spurned, and he was unable to find a position that would allow him to work in peace and marry his fiancé. But Pesic's story begins long before Abel and continues to the present day, for Abel's proof changed how we think about mathematics and its relation to the "real" world. Starting with the Greeks, who invented the idea of mathematical proof, Pesic shows how mathematics found its sources in the real world (the shapes of things, the accounting needs of merchants) and then reached beyond those sources toward something more universal. The Pythagoreans' attempts to deal with irrational numbers foreshadowed the slow emergence of abstract mathematics. Pesic focuses on the contested development of algebra―which even Newton resisted―and the gradual acceptance of the usefulness and perhaps even beauty of abstractions that seem to invoke realities with dimensions outside human experience. Pesic tells this story as a history of ideas, with mathematical details incorporated in boxes. The book also includes a new annotated translation of Abel's original proof.
Niels Henrik Abel
This is a story of more than a century ago, about a circle of young scientists, and in particular one among them, a mathematician, Niels Henrik Abel. He is well known to any mathematician of today; indeed, few men have their name associated with so many results and concepts in modern mathematics. This, however, is not the main concern in this book. It is rather the simple story of a scientist, his family and friends, his hopes and sorrows, his tr
The Legacy of Niels Henrik Abel
A unique series of fascinating research papers on subjects related to the work of Niels Henrik Abel, written by some of the foremost specialists in their fields. Some of the authors have been specifically invited to present papers, discussing the influence of Abel in a mathematical-historical context. Others have submitted papers presented at the Abel Bicentennial Conference, Oslo June 3-8, 2002. The idea behind the book has been to produce a text covering a substantial part of the legacy of Abel, as perceived at the beginning of the 21st century.
Niels Henrik Abel
Niels Henrik Abel was a bright star in the galaxy of talent, to whom Hermite said-He has left the mathematicians something to keep them busy for 500 years. Neils Henrik was one of the most prominent mathematicians of the world in the first half of the 19th century. He is probably the most well-known Norwegian mathematician ever.