Zinder was born in New York City, received his Doctor of Philosophy from the University of Wisconsin–Madison, and became a member of the National Academy of Sciences in 1969.
university dean genetics educator
Zinder was born in New York City, received his Doctor of Philosophy from the University of Wisconsin–Madison, and became a member of the National Academy of Sciences in 1969.
Bachelor of Arts, Columbia University, 1947; Master of Sciences, University Wisconsin, 1949; Doctor of Philosophy, University Wisconsin, 1952.
Assistant, Rockefeller U., New York City, 1952-1956;
associate, Rockefeller U., New York City, 1956-1958;
associate professor genetics, Rockefeller U., New York City, 1958-1964;
professor, Rockefeller U., New York City, since 1964;
John D. Rockefeller Junior professor, Rockefeller U., New York City, since 1977;
dean graduate and postgraduate studies, Rockefeller U., New York City, 1993-1995. Consultant genetic-biology National Science Foundation, 1962-1966, Office Technology Assessment, Washington, 1979-1981, Chas. Pfizer & Company, 1963-1967.
Chairman ad hoc commission to review viral cancer program National Cancer Institute, 1973-1974. Member visiting committee department.biology Harvard University, 1975-1981, section virology Yale University, 1975-1983, department biochemistry Princeton University, 1975-1986. Member science advisory board Carter-WallaceInc., 1982-1985, Genetic Systems Corporation, 1981-1986.
Mem.adv. committee Alliance International Health Care Trust, since 1984. Trustee Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, 1967-1985, secretary to board, 1980-1985. Chairman of Commission to review Army chemical weapons stockpile disposal program, NAS/National Research Council, 1987-1991.
Chairman program advising committee on human genome, National Institutes of Health, 1988-1991, other affiliations. Member of advisory committee Celera Genomics, since 1998.
Fellow American Academy Arts and Sciences (council 1984-1987). Member National Academy of Sciences (member council 1988-1991, executive committee Assembly of Life Sciences 1975-1978, board army science and technical 1981), Society of America Biological Chemists, Genetics Society of America, American Society for Microbiology, Council Foreign Relations, Harvey Society, Sigma Xi.
Married Marilyn Estreicher, December 24, 1949. Children— Stephen, Michael.