Octavian Ioan was born on July 12, 1945 in Bucharest. Son of Octav Baltag and Cleopatra (Hristache) Vasiliu.
Octavian Ioan was born on July 12, 1945 in Bucharest. Son of Octav Baltag and Cleopatra (Hristache) Vasiliu.
Bachelor of Science, University Al. I. Cuza, 1971; Doctor of Philosophy, Institute of Technology Physics, 1982.
Physicist Institute of Technology Physics, Iasi, Romania, 1971-1975, scientist Romania, 1975-1982, senior scientist Romania, since 1982. Assistant professor Technology University Iasi, 1971-1990. Department head Institute of Technology Physics, 1985-1989.
Board directors Terraflux Control Ltd., Iasi.
Member Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, New York Academy of Sciences.
Romanian Committee for the History and Philosophy of Science and Technology – CRIFST Romanian Academy , Romania
Romanian Society for Nonionogen Electromagnetic Radiation Protection , Romania
Romanian Society of Electromagnetic Compatibility , Roimania
The New York Academy of Science, , USA
- International Committee for History of Technology and Science - ICOHTEC
European BioElectromagnetism Association
Octavian married to Georgeta Ingrid Oprea on August 21, 1971. They have a child: Toni-Christian.