Mcauliffe, Anthony C. was born on July 2, 1898 in Washington, District of Columbia, United States. Son of John Joseph and Alice Katharine (Gannon) Mcauliffe.
army officer chemical manufacturer executive
Mcauliffe, Anthony C. was born on July 2, 1898 in Washington, District of Columbia, United States. Son of John Joseph and Alice Katharine (Gannon) Mcauliffe.
Student West. Virginia University, 1916-1917. Bachelor of Science, United States Military Academy, 1919. Graduate Field Artillery School, 1920, m.
Command and General staff schedul, 1937, Army War College, 1940.
Commissioned Second lieutenant, Field Artillery, United States Army, 1918, advanced through grades to major general, 1944, commander 103 Infantry Division Commander 101st Airborne and other troops during siege of Bastogne (Belgian), 1944. Led division which made junction with the 5th Army in Italian Alps, 1945. Commanding general 24th Infantry Division, Japan, 1949.
Chief chemical corporations Department of Army, 1949, chief personnel, 1951, Lieutenant general, 1951, deputy chief staff for operations and administration, 1953.
Commanding general 7th Army, Germany, 1953, general 1955. Commander in chief United States Army Europe, 1955-1956, retired 1956.
General manager engineering and construction division American Cyanamid Company, 1956-1957, vice president 1957-1963, director, 1960-1963. Chairman State Civil Defense Commission, 1959-1963.
Home: Chevy Chase, Maryland.
Married Helen Willet Whitman, August 23, 1920. Children: Patricia Ann, John Hilary.