Harrison, John Hartwell was born on February 16, 1909 in Clarksville, Virginia, United States. Son of Isaac Carrington and Rosalie (Smith) Harrison.
Harrison, John Hartwell was born on February 16, 1909 in Clarksville, Virginia, United States. Son of Isaac Carrington and Rosalie (Smith) Harrison.
Bachelor of Science, University of Virginia, 1929; Doctor of Medicine, University of Virginia, 1932; Master of Arts (honorary), Harvard University, 1974; Doctor of Science (honorary), Roger Williams College, 1974.
Intern, Lakeside Hospital, Cleveland, 1932-1933;
intern, resident urology, then assistant resident surgery, Peter Bent Bingham Hospital, Boston, 1933-1938;
Harvey Cushing fellow surgery, Peter Bent Bingham Hospital, Boston, 1939;
senior associate urology, chief of service, Peter Bent Bingham Hospital, Boston, 1945-1975;
acting surgeon in chief, Peter Bent Bingham Hospital, Boston, 1967;
urologic surgeon emeritus, Peter Bent Bingham Hospital, Boston, from 1975;
assistant genito-urinary surgery, Harvard Medical School, 1935-1937;
instructor surgery, Harvard Medical School, 1938-1939;
instructor genito-urinary surgery, Harvard Medical School, 1939-1941;
associate, Harvard Medical School, 1941-1946;
assistant professor, Harvard Medical School, 1946-1948;
associate clinical professor, Harvard Medical School, 1948-1954;
clinical professor, Harvard Medical School, 1954-1965;
Elliot Carr Cutler professor surgery, Harvard Medical School, 1965-1975;
professor emeritus, Harvard Medical School, from 1975. Edgar Burns visiting professor urology Tulane University, 1961. Clyde Deming visiting professor Yale School Medicine, 1968.
Consultant urology Massachusetts Hospital School Crippled Children, Children's Medical Center, Boston Lying-In Hospital, Veterans Administration Hospital., WestRoxbury, Massachusetts, Lemuel Shattuck Hospital, Jamaica Plain, Massachusetts. Visiting professor Ohio State University, 1964, University of California at Los Angeles, 1966, 67, Duke U., 1967, 77, U. Missouri, 1968, Johns Hopkins University, 1969, University of Virginia, 1970, University of California San Francisco, 1972, Medical College Virginia, 1973, Northwestern University, 1976, Medical College South Carolina., 1977, Albany Medical College, 1981, Louisiana State University Medical Center, Shreveport, 1981,Bishop John Jay Russell Medical College Virginia, 1981. Louis McDonald Orr
Emory University, 1981. Lecturer St. Mary's Hospital. Visiting faculty Mayo Clinic, 1965.
Consultant to surgeon general United States Air Force.
Trustee Boston Medical Library. Board visitors University Virginia, 1966-1974, chairman medical committee Lieutenant colonel Medical Corps Army of the United States, 1942-1945, PTO. Fellow American College of Surgeons (governor 1961-1965), Royal College Surgeons Ireland (honorary). Member American Academy Arts and Sciences (Amory prize), American Urological Association (executive committee 1961-1962, Ramon Guiteras award 1965, president Northeast section 1953, Honorary member award), Boston Surgery Society (vice president 1958, president 1972), Northeast Surgery Society, American Surgical Association (1st vice president 1970-1971), American Association Genito-Urinary Surgeons (Barringer medal 1975, Edwin L. Keyes medal 1983, president 1976-1977), Clinical Society Genito-Urinary Surgeons (president 1964-1965), Urologic Forum Clinical Investigation, American Medical Association, Roxbury Society for Medical Improvement, Tavern Club, Harvard Club, Brookline (Massachusetts) Country Club, Phi Beta Kappa, Alpha Omega Alpha.
Married Gertrude Chisholm, June 16, 1934 (deceased February 1965). Children: John Hartwell, Robert C. II, Cornelia Jeffrey. Married Mary Louise Harding, July 16, 1965.