Miller, Jacques Francis was born on April 2, 1931 in Nice, France. Son of Maurice Eugene and Fernande Eugenie (Debarbnot) Miller.
Miller, Jacques Francis was born on April 2, 1931 in Nice, France. Son of Maurice Eugene and Fernande Eugenie (Debarbnot) Miller.
Bachelor of Science in Medicine, U. Sydney, Australia, 1953; Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Science, U. Sydney, Australia, 1955; Doctor of Medicine (honorary), University Sydney, 1986; Doctor of Philosophy, London U., 1960; Doctor of Science, London U., 1966; Bachelor, Melbourne U., Australia, 1985.
Intern, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, Sydney, 1956-1957; assistant professor, Chester Beatty Research Institute and London U., 1961-1964; associate professor (reader), Beatty Research Institute and University London, 1965-1966; head experimental pathology unit, Walter and Eliza Hall International Medical Research, Melbourne, Australia, since 1966. Consultant task force on immunology of malaria, World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland, 1976-1979, expert advisor on immunology, since 1984. Consultant International Agency Research on Cancer, Lyon, France, 1976-1980.
Fellow Royal Society (London) (Croonian prize 1992), Australian Academy Science (council member 1976-1979, vice president 1979), Royal Society Arts. Member United States NAS (foreign associate), International Agency Research Cancer (science council 1976-1980, president 1980), International Union Immunol. Socs. (counsellor 1977-1983), Australian Society Immunology, American Association Immunologists (honorary), Transplantation Society.
Married Margaret Denise Houen, March 17, 1956.