Godsell, R. M. Bobby was born on September 14, 1952 in Boksburg, South Africa.
Godsell, R. M. Bobby was born on September 14, 1952 in Boksburg, South Africa.
Bachelor in Sociology & Philosophical, University Natal. Master of Arts in Liberal Ethics, University Cape Town.
Chairman East Rand Gold and Uranium Company Ltd., Johannesburg, Elandsrand Gold Mining Company Ltd., Millenium Labour Council. Deputy chairman South Vaal Holdings Ltd. Chairman Western Deep Levels Ltd.
Chief Executive Officer AngloGold, London, 1998—2000. Chairman & Chief Executive Officer AngloGold Ashanti Ltd. (formerly AngloGold), 2000.
Board directors Anglo American Plc. Former chairman World Gold Council. Board directors African Barrick Gold plc, since 2010.