Barratt-Boyes, Brian Gerald was born on January 13, 1924 in Wellington, New Zealand. Son of Gerald and Edna Myrtle (Barratt) Barratt-Boyes.
cardiothoracic and vascular surgeon
Barratt-Boyes, Brian Gerald was born on January 13, 1924 in Wellington, New Zealand. Son of Gerald and Edna Myrtle (Barratt) Barratt-Boyes.
Bachelor of Medicine, University Otago, 1946. Chairman, University Otago, 1962. Doctor of Science, University Colorado, 1985.
Fellow in cardiothoracic surgery Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota, 1953—1955, Nuffield travelling fellow University Bristol, 1956. Senior thoracic surgeon Green Lane Hospital, Auckland, New Zealand, 1957—1965, cardiothoracic and vascular surgery, since 1966. Editorial board Circulation, Surgery, Surgery, Gynaecology and Obstets.
(United States).
Fellow: American College of Surgeons, American College Cardiology, American Surgical Association, Royal College Surgeons Thailand, Royal Society New Zealand, Royal College Surgeons London, James IV Association Surgery, Royal Australasian College Surgeons, Association Surgeons Great Britain and Ireland (honorary). Member: Asian Pacific Cardiac Society, International Physicians for Prevention of Nuclear War, Medical Association New Zealand, British Cardiac Society (president), Cardiac Society Australia and New Zealand (chairman, president since 1986), Northern Club (Auckland).
Married Norma Margaret Thompson (divorced 1986). Children: David, John, Mark, Stephen, Simon. Married Sara Rose Monester, 1986.