He was a patron of literature and music with a "magnificent court". The Monk of Salzburg lived there for a time, if indeed they are not one and the same person. Pilgrim first appears as a canon of Salzburg Cathedral in 1353.
He was ordained in Venice in 1354 before moving to Avignon, where he received his education.
In 1363 he was appointed to a papal chaplaincy, the papacy being at the time seated at Avignon. He was appointed archbishop of Salsburg in 1365.
The Monk of Salzburg claims in two of his songs that he wrote them at Pilgrim"s command. In another piece, the lines form an acrostic that reads "Pylgreim Erczpischof Legat".
In a secular song of 1387 Pilgrim"s visit to the court of King Wenceslaus IV of Bohemia is mentioned, and his travels are also recounted in a secular song from 1392.
The Monk also celebrated Pilgrim"s chaplain, Richerus von Radstadt, in a song.