Berg was born and grew up in Eskilstuna.
Berg was born and grew up in Eskilstuna.
Kent’s lyrics contributed to their development from indie band to broad mass appeal as songs in Swedish are preferred among the slightly older population that Kent has attracted, according to an academic who has studied the band in their sociological and national context.
Berg rarely gives interviews, saying in one: less is more. Berg has tended to write lyrics in Swedish because he wants to avoid the use of cliché-ridden English lyrics, which often happens when Swedish artists sing in English. He moved to Stockholm in 1993 after the founding of Kent, and has lived there since.
Berg is the main songwriter, lead singer and rhythm guitarist in the band.
He is the older brother of director Adam Berg, who has directed several of Kent"s music videos. Berg has written songs for Titiyo (most notably "Come Along", the third-most-played song by Swedish songwriters on Swedish radio durijng 2000-2009), Lisa Miskovsky and Freddie Wadling.
Besides his role in Kent, he also had a side project called Paus with The Cardigans guitarist Peter Svensson. Paus released a self-titled album in 1998.
In 2012 Petra Marklund (internationally known as September) released a Swedish-language record in Sweden.
Berg wrote the songs Händerna mot himlen and Sanningen, The record reached the Swedish Top 10 immediately after release. Paus (Paus) (1998) Titiyo (Come Along) (2001) Plura Jonsson (Kärlekens Tunga) (2001) Lisa Miskovsky (Fallingwater) (2003) Freddie Wadling (Drömmarna) (2005) Lisa Miskovsky (Changes) (2006) Downloading Nancy (Into My Arms) (2008) Olle Ljungström (Nåt För Dom Som Väntar) (2008) Andreas Tilliander (Arlanda) (2009) John Maine (Run) (2009) Bilar 2 (Det Känns Perfekt) (2011) Erik Hassle (Mariefred Sessions) (2011) Adrian Lux (All I Ever Wanted) (2012) Morten Harket (Lightning) (2012) Morten Harket (Just Believe lieutenant) (2012) Petra Marklund (Händerna Mot Himlen) (2012) Petra Marklund (Sanningen) (2012) Petra Marklund (Fred) (2012) Petra Marklund (Aska I Vinden) (2012) Alina Devecerski (Ärligt Talat) (2012) Alina Devecerski (Krigar Precis Som Du ) (2012) Christel Alsos (Let"s Pretend) (2013) Happiness (All Apologies) (2014) Frida Amundsen (Told You So) (2015) Ida Redig (Ghost) (2015) Joakim Berg & Lisa Nilsson (Innan Vi Faller) (2015) Avicii (I"ll Be Gone) (2015) ADL (Forever Börjar Här) (2015) Petra Marklund (Ensam inte stark) (2015) Ellie Goulding (Lost and Foundation) (2015).
As a member of Kent, Berg has received 20 Swedish Grammy The Swedish tabloid Aftonbladet has awarded Kent with 11 Rockbjörnen awards. In 2003, The Swedish Music Publishers Association awarded Berg for the songwriter/composer of the Year. In 2014 Her Majesty King Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden awarded Joakim Berg the Her Majesty The King"s Medal 8th size with a bright blue ribbon for his outstanding contributions to Swedish popular music