William Wirich was a son of Count John Adolph (1582–1623) and his wife, Countess Anna Maria (1589–1620), a daughter of Count John VII of Nassau-Siegen and Countess Magdalena of Waldeck.
William Wirich was a son of Count John Adolph (1582–1623) and his wife, Countess Anna Maria (1589–1620), a daughter of Count John VII of Nassau-Siegen and Countess Magdalena of Waldeck.
By descent, he was a Count of Falkenstein. By inheritance, he was Lord of Broich and Bürgel. However, he was shot by Count Moritz of Limburg during a fight on 7 October 1659.
William Wirich remarried to Countess Agnes Catherine of Limburg-Styrum.
However, this marriage remained childless, so when he died, the Daun-Falkenstein branch died out in the male line. The impoverished count sold the county of Falkenstein to Duke Charles IV of Lorraine in 1667.