Miller, Ronald William was born on April 17, 1933 in Los Angeles, California, United States. Son of John W. and Stella Miller.
Miller, Ronald William was born on April 17, 1933 in Los Angeles, California, United States. Son of John W. and Stella Miller.
Student, University Southern California, 1954.
With Walt Disney Productions, Burbank, California, since 1957, vice president in charge television and executive producer television, from 1968, executive vice president in charge production and creative affairs, 1968-1980, president, chief executive officer, 1980-1984, also member executive committee, director.
Served with United States Army, 1954-1955. Member Academy Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, National Academy television Arts and Sciences, Motion Picture Pioneers, University Southern California Associates, Music Center Dance Corporation.
Married Diane Marie Disney, May 9, 1954. Children: Christopher, Joanna, Tamara, Jennifer, Walter, Ronald William, Patrick.