KOLBE, Manfred was born on August 17, 1953 in Naunhof. Parents: Doctor Llans-Georg Kolbe and Marianne Kolbe.
KOLBE, Manfred was born on August 17, 1953 in Naunhof. Parents: Doctor Llans-Georg Kolbe and Marianne Kolbe.
Berlin and Munich, law, National Law Examinations, 1979, 1982. Spoken languages: english, french, italian.
Member, Christian Democratic Students. Chief government, councillor. Bavarian Ministry of State of Finance, 1983-1988.
Member, Christlich Soziale Union (Christian Social Union), since 1978. Member, Christian Democratic Union, since 1990. Member of Bundestag, Grimma.
Chief government, councillor. Bavarian State Council, 1990. Public prosecutor, Munich, 1983.
Judge, Munich Court of Finance, 1989-1990. Finance representative, education co-ordinating committee. Saxony, 1990; Notary, Grimma, 1990.
Spouse Bettina Schwaiger-Kolbe (née Schwaiger), 1991. Children: one.