Antosik, Piotr was born on June 27, 1929 in Skoczyklody, Poland. Son of Stanislaw and Franciszka (Kusmierczyk) Antosik.
Antosik, Piotr was born on June 27, 1929 in Skoczyklody, Poland. Son of Stanislaw and Franciszka (Kusmierczyk) Antosik.
Master of Science, Pedagogical Institute, Moscow, 1954. Doctorate, University Marie Curie-Sklodow-Skiej, Lublin, Poland, 1964. Habilitas D., Mathematics Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, 1973.
Lecturer, Higher Pedagogical School, Katowice, Poland, 1954-1967. Assistant professor Mathematics Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, since 1967, head of branch, since 1984, member science council, since 1984. Visiting professor North Carolina State University, Raleigh, 1974-1975, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, 1981-1982, University Texas-El Paso, 1982-1983, University California-Santa Barbara, 1983.
Member Polish Mathematics Society (chairman Upper Silesia branch since 1974), American Mathematics Society.
Married Danuta Rusiniak, May 9, 1954. 1 child, Roman.