Gibson, Rex Hilton was born on May 17, 1963 in Galveston, Texas, United States.
Gibson, Rex Hilton was born on May 17, 1963 in Galveston, Texas, United States.
Bachelor of Business Administration, Southern Methodist University, 1985. Juris Doctor, Southern Methodist University, 1988.
Tax associate Exxon Company, United States of America, Houston, 1988, tax attorney, 1988-1992, senior tax attorney, 1992, Exxon Company, International, Florham Park, New Jersey, 1992-1995, Exxon Ventures (Commonwealth of Independent States ) Inc., Houston, 1995-1999. Tax counsel ExxonMobil International Ltd., London, 2000—2001, ExxonMobil Development Company, Houston, 2001—2003, ExxonMobil Exploration Company, Houston, 2003—2007, ExxonMobil Gas & Power Marketing Company, Houston, 2007—2008. Senior tax counsel ExxonMobil Chemical Company, since 2009.
Board directors International Tax and Investment Center, 2000—2008. Member tax committee Petroleum Advisory Forum, 2000—2005. Member United States-Russia Business Council, 2001—2005.
Vice-chair Caspian Mineral Taxation Committee, 2003—2005.
Member American Bar Association (taxation section, natural resources committee since 1995, environmental taxes committee since 1990), State Bar Texas (taxation section, oil, gas & minerals law section, animal law section since 1989), Houston Bar Association (taxation section since 1995), Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo Association, United States Ski Team Foundation, Beta Alpha Psi.