Ford, Robert Nelson was born on January 20, 1929 in Washington, District of Columbia, United States. Son of Rowland H. and Osce Donna (Pratt) Ford.
Ford, Robert Nelson was born on January 20, 1929 in Washington, District of Columbia, United States. Son of Rowland H. and Osce Donna (Pratt) Ford.
Associate of Arts, George Washington University, 1950; AB, George Washington University, 1952; Juris Doctor, George Washington University, 1967.
Marketing manager, Pepsi Cola Bottling Company, Cheverly, Maryland., 1957-1967; trial attorney, Department Justice, Washington, 1967-1975; assistant United State Attorneys, Department Justice, Washington, 1975-1978; deputy associate attorney general, Department Justice, Washington, 1978-1981; deputy assistant attorney general, Department Justice, Washington, 1981-1997; retired, 1997.
Married Ann Graninger, April 26, 1951. Children: Gary W., Jeffrey R., Judith Ford Osborne.