Aleksandrowicz, Ryszard was born on September 1, 1926 in Cmielów, Kielce, Poland. Son of Piotr and Maria (Cichonska) Aleksandrowicz.
Aleksandrowicz, Ryszard was born on September 1, 1926 in Cmielów, Kielce, Poland. Son of Piotr and Maria (Cichonska) Aleksandrowicz.
Doctor of Medicine, Warsaw School Medicine, 1953. Doctor of Science, Warsaw School Medicine, 1963. Postgraduate, Warsaw School Medicine.
Lecturer, Medical School Warsaw, 1953-1978; head Anatomy department, Medical School Katowich, Poland, 1978-1992; head Anatomy department, Medical School Warsaw, since 1992. Director Institute Biostructur, Warsaw, 1992-1996. Member board Eropean Anatomical Society, Antwerp, Belgium, 1988-1994.
Member Polish Anatomical Society (president 1989-1996).
Married Barbara Maniecka, January 17, 1967. 1 child, Maciej.