Adams, Samuel Franklin was born on January 9, 1958 in Jacksonville, Florida, United States.
Adams, Samuel Franklin was born on January 9, 1958 in Jacksonville, Florida, United States.
Bachelor in Political Science, Stetson University, 1980. Juris Doctor, Samford University, 1983.
Associate Phil Trovillo, P.A., Ocala, Florida, 1983-1986. V.p.adminstrn. Good Shepherd Memorial Park, Spartanburg, South Carolina, 1986-1988, C & C Properties, Spartanburg, 1988—1990. Private practice law, 1988-1995.
Associate Dallis Law Firm, PA, 1995-1997. Partner Adams & Charles, Attorneys at Law, P.A., 1997-1998, Adams Law Firm, since 1998. Attorney for City of Chesnee, South Carolina, 1991-1992.
Magistrate Spartanburg County, since 1992. City judge Pacolet Mills, 1992-1996.
President Boiling Springs Junior Chamber of Commerce, 1996-1997. Member American Bar Association, Florida Bar Association, American Association Trial Lawyers, Junior Chamber of Commerce (vice president enrollment and growth Spartanburg 1988, legal counsel Boiling Springs 1991-1992, 96, president 1996-1997), Optimists (secretary, treasurer Ocala chapter 1984-1985), Kiwanis Club (president Bolling Springs chapter 2006-2007).
Son of Samuel Eugene and Lucille (Quinn) A. M.Ronda Jean Pence, September 7, 1996. Children: Samuel Matthew, Stephen Mikell.