Murphy, Sean Patrick was born on August 22, 1963 in Rochester, New York, United States. Son of Thomas Edward and Mary Patricia (Brasted) Murphy.
Murphy, Sean Patrick was born on August 22, 1963 in Rochester, New York, United States. Son of Thomas Edward and Mary Patricia (Brasted) Murphy.
Bachelor of Science of Foreign Service, Georgetown University, Washington, District of Columbia, 1985. Juris Doctor, Georgetown University, Washington, District of Columbia, 1989.
Associate Dewey Ballantine, New York City, 1989-1991. Federal trial attorney United States Department Justice, Washington, 1991-1995. Senior associate Annis Mitchell, Tampa, Florida, 1995-1997.
Of counsel Muldoon, Murphy & Faucette LLP, Washington, 1997-2000, Patton Boggs, LLP, Washington, since 2000. Executive vice president, general counsel Medical Office Properties, Inc., 2001—2004. Partner Chain Bridge Capital LLC, Chevy Chase, Maryland, since 2004.
Executive vice president Wakefield Capital LLC. Director, co-founder TraumaCare, Inc., Bethesda, Maryland. Co-founder, director, treasurer Maryland Bioscience Political Action Committee, since 2003.
Board of directors, director athletic advisory board Georgetown University, Washington, 1989-1999;member board of trustees, vice president Serra Club of Washington, 1991-1999, John Carroll Society, Washington, 1991-1999. Volunteer trial attorney Archdiocesan Pro BonoLegal Network, 1992-1999 (recipient Cardinal's medal, 1998). Member American Inns of Court (barrister William Glen Terrell 1995-1997), University Club Washington, Potomac Boat Club.
Married Susan Marie Barnes, June 10, 1989. Children, Katherine Anne, Caroline Grace, Andrew Barnes.