Mikhalkov, Sergey Vladimirovich was born on March 13, 1913 in Moscow.
Mikhalkov, Sergey Vladimirovich was born on March 13, 1913 in Moscow.
(1944 (copyright) Edward B Marks Music Corp. Music and lyr...)
Author: (with El-Registan) Soviet Anthem, 1943. Publications include: Dyadya Styopa, 1936, Collected Works (poems, stories, plays), From Carriage to Space Ship, 1975, Jolly Hares, 1969. Film script: Frontline Friends, 1941.
Plays: Tom Kenti, 1938, Red Neckerchief, 1947, Ilya Golovin, Y khochu domoi, 1949, Lobsters, 1952, Zaika-Zaznaika, 1955, Basni Mikhalkova, 1957, Sombrero, 1958, A Monument to Oneself, 1958, Dikari, 1959, Green Grasshopper, 1964, In the Museum of Lenin, 1968, Fables, 1970, Disobedience Day, 1971, Selected Works, 1973, Bibliographical Index, 1975, Selected Works, 3 vols., 1992.
Member Communist Party, 1950-1991. Member Union Writers (1st secretary Moscow branch, 1965-1970, chairman union of Russian Federation, 1970-1990).
Children: Nikita, Andrej Kouchalouski.