Wallenstein, Sidney was born on January 21, 1907 in Cleveland, Ohio, United States.
Wallenstein, Sidney was born on January 21, 1907 in Cleveland, Ohio, United States.
Case Institute of Technology (Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering, 1928). George Washington University (Bachelor of Laws, 1932). Nu Beta Epsilon; Tau Beta Pi.
Worked at Wallenstein & Wagner, Limited. Admitted to the bar, 1931, District of Columbia. 1935, Illinois; 1948, United States.
Court of Appeals, 7th Circuit.
1983, United States. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit and United States. District Court, Northern District of Illinois including Trial Bar.
Registered to practice before United States. Patent and Trademark Office.
Nu Beta Epsilon; Tau Beta Pi.
Member: Chicago Bar Association. Intellectual Property Law Association of Chicago. American Intellectual Property Law Association.
Member: Chicago Bar Association. Intellectual Property Law Association of Chicago. American Intellectual Property Law Association.