Sufiah Yusof was born in 1984 to her Pakistani father Farouk and Malaysian mother Halimaton Yusof, both of whom were described as devout Muslims.
Sufiah Yusof was born in 1984 to her Pakistani father Farouk and Malaysian mother Halimaton Yusof, both of whom were described as devout Muslims.
Street Hilda"s College.
She was reported as missing after completing the third-year exams of her four-year integrated master"s degree, prompting a widely-publicised police search, and was found working as a waitress at a café in Bournemouth. After completing her degree, she went on to work in various non-mathematical professions, as an administrative assistant, prostitute and social worker Yusof was homeschooled in Weston Favell, Northampton, where she grew up.
At the age of 12, she was ranked eighth among under-21 tennis players in the United Kingdom.
Yusof first made news headlines at the age of 12 in 1997, after being given an offer to read mathematics at Street Hilda"s College, Oxford, conditional on her A-Level further mathematics grade. She started her degree at the age of 13.
On 22 June 2000, at the age of 15, she disappeared from her university for over two weeks, prompting a widely publicised police search. She stayed with a foster family instead.
She completed her course but failed to take her final exams because of ill health.
Yusof currently blogs on media issues at her personal website called the Inquiring Feminist and curates the Feminism Channel at Waywire.