In 1999, he was awarded an honorary doctor of law degree from the University of Namibia, in recognition of his outstanding leadership in the field of foreign policy and diplomacy.
In 1999, he was awarded an honorary doctor of law degree from the University of Namibia, in recognition of his outstanding leadership in the field of foreign policy and diplomacy.
Dr. T.-B. Gurirab's political career began in 1962 when he fled Namibia to Tanzania. He was to remain in political exile for the next 27 years. In 1963, upon being awarded a United Nations fellowship, he proceeded to the United States to pursue his studies. In 1964, he was appointed along with Mr. Hage Geingob and Mr. Hidipo Hamutenya, as one of SWAPO's troika of Associate Representatives to the United Nations and the Americas, serving in that capacity while simultaneously pursuing their education.
As a seasoned diplomat and negotiator, Dr. T.-B. Gurirab served as SWAPO's Chief Representative to the United Nations for 14 years and, later, as its permanent observer. Under his stewardship, the SWAPO Party of Namibia was granted permanent observer status at the United Nations.
In over 35 years in the field of international affairs and diplomacy, he has known and worked with three generations of world leaders and five United Nations Secretaries-General. In 1999, he returned to the United Nations to serve as President of the 54th Session of the United Nations General Assembly. He was instrumental in driving the UN reform process forward as reflected in the Millennium Declaration and presided over the drafting of the historic United Nations Declaration in 2000
in 1998 Doctor T.-B. Gurirab received an award from the World Association of Former United Nations Interns and Fellows
He was awarded an honorary professorship from the Foreign Affairs College, founded by Premier Chou en Lai in 1955, of the People's Republic of China in 2000.
Doctor T. B.Gurirab has been an honorary member of the International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation since 2002.