Heuss, Theodor born in Brackenheim.
(One hundred years after the birth of Anton Dohrn, his bio...)
One hundred years after the birth of Anton Dohrn, his biography was compiled by Theodor Heuss, first president of the Federal Republic of Germany and a friend of the Dohrn family. Heuss not only conveys the family history of this great scientist, but also interweaves scientific and cultural history into his narrative. As a result a fascinating yet true story which provides insight into the cultural, political and scientific life in both Germany and Italy at the turn of the century has been created. "Anton Dohrn (1840-1909) was founder of the once world-famous zoological station at Naples, 'a permanent international congress of zoologists' ...written as a classic 'life and letters', A Life for an excellent description of an interesting scientist in touch with the leading biologists of his time." (Arch. of Natural History)
(Hans Poelzig. Bauten und Entwürfe. Das Lebensbild eines d...)
Hans Poelzig. Bauten und Entwürfe. Das Lebensbild eines deutschen Baumeisters. [Theodor Heuss] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers.
(This book was digitized and reprinted from the collection...)
This book was digitized and reprinted from the collections of the University of California Libraries. It was produced from digital images created through the libraries’ mass digitization efforts. The digital images were cleaned and prepared for printing through automated processes. Despite the cleaning process, occasional flaws may still be present that were part of the original work itself, or introduced during digitization. This book and hundreds of thousands of others can be found online in the HathiTrust Digital Library at
(Sieben Schwaben: ein neues dichterbuch (German Edition) [...)
Sieben Schwaben: ein neues dichterbuch (German Edition) [Theodor Heuss] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers.
(Robert Bosch: His Life and Achievements [Theodor Heuss, S...)
Robert Bosch: His Life and Achievements [Theodor Heuss, Susan Gillespie, Jennifer Kapczynski] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers.
(English summary: Walter Eucken (1891-1950) was the founde...)
English summary: Walter Eucken (1891-1950) was the founder of the Freiburg School. He was the main advocate of German ordoliberalism, a version of constitutional economics. In this volume, various authors analyze his fundamental conceptions of the market economy and of the state and deal with the methodological aspects of his work. German description: Walter Eucken war ein Okonom, der durch seine theoretischen Ausfuhrungen zur Wirtschaftsordnungspolitik in Deutschland einen hohen Bekanntheitsgrad erreichte. Die Begriffe Ordnungstheorie, Ordnungspolitik und Ordoliberalismus sind untrennbar mit seinem Namen verbunden. Euckens Ziel war es, sowohl Vertretern des sozialistischen als auch des liberalen Lagers mit seiner Konzeption der prinzipiengeleiteten, sozialen Marktwirtschaft ein zustimmungsfahiges Theorieangebot zu machen. Er war bestrebt, die drangenden Probleme seiner Zeit - das Problem der Freiheit, das Problem der sozialen Sicherheit und das Problem der sozialen Gerechtigkeit - zu losen. Nach Walter Euckens Theorie kann die soziale Frage weder durch eine Politik der Wirtschaftslenkung noch durch eine Politik des Laissez-faire gelost werden; allein in einer freiheitlichen Wettbewerbsordnungspolitik besteht die Moglichkeit, Freiheit, Sicherheit und Gerechtigkeit zu gewahren. Diese ordoliberale Position Walter Euckens ist uber die Wirtschaftswissenschaften hinaus bekannt geworden. Die Autoren der Beitrage im vorliegenden Band gehen auf die auch heute noch geltenden Euckenschen Prinzipien ein und untersuchen, wie Eucken seine Position begrundet und wie er sich die Umsetzung seiner Wirtschaftsordnungskonzeption vorstellt.
Heuss, Theodor born in Brackenheim.
Heuss studied economics, literature, history, philosophy, art history and political science at the Munich and the University of Berlin. In 1905 he received his doctorate in Munich with Lujo Brentano on viticulture and wine farmers stand in Heilbronn am Neckar.
Heuss shaped the office of president by his non-partisan governing. As a representative of the democratic-liberal and cultural traditions of Germany, he was a symbol of confidence in the German post-war republic in the international community. His further state visits to Turkey, Italy, Canada and the United States, as well as to the United Kingdom contributed greatly to the increase of appreciation toward the still young Federal Republic of Germany. He was opposed to re-armament and the founding of the new West German Army in 1955, but had no power to stop it.
(One hundred years after the birth of Anton Dohrn, his bio...)
(Robert Bosch: His Life and Achievements [Theodor Heuss, S...)
(This book was digitized and reprinted from the collection...)
(Sieben Schwaben: ein neues dichterbuch (German Edition) [...)
(English summary: Walter Eucken (1891-1950) was the founde...)
(Friedrich Naumann: Der Mann, Das Werk, Die Zeit [Theodor ...)
(Preludes to life: Early memoirs [Theodor Heuss] on Amazon...)
(Deutsche Gestalten [Theodor Heuss] on *FREE* ...)
(Buy Anton Dohrn. on ✓ FREE SHIPPING on qualifi...)
(Hans Poelzig. Bauten und Entwürfe. Das Lebensbild eines d...)
(Berlin. [Herausgegeben von Berthold Fricke]. [THEODOR. HE...)
Swabia. Paints a portrait.
The great speeches.
(Dank und Bekenntnis. Gedenkrede zum 20.Juli 1944. [THEODO...)
As a politician, he was a member of the Progressive People's Party, the DDP and after the Second World War, the DVP. With the establishment of the FDP in 1948, he was its chairman.