Theresa Williams was born on January 24, 1956, in California, United States. She spent most of her childhood in Jacksonville, North Carolina near the Camp Lejeune Marine Corps base.
101 Heart Dr, Greenville, NC 27834, United States
Theresa Williams holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from East Carolina University. She received a Master of Arts degree from this university.
Bowling Green, OH 43403, United States
Theresa Williams obtained a Master of Fine Arts degree from Bowling Green State University.
1021 Henderson Dr, Jacksonville, NC 28540, United States
In 1974 Theresa Williams graduated from Jacksonville High School.
(Pearl Starling is forty-five, a hermit with a "colorful p...)
Pearl Starling is forty-five, a hermit with a "colorful past" - a past filled with treachery and desire, death and survival - who makes her living weaving rugs in a North Carolina military town. For years she has been an object of curiosity and scorn, and now she has defied society’s conventions once again: she is pregnant and no one knows who the father is. In The Secret of Hurricanes Pearl tells her unborn child about how she has weathered the "hurricanes" in her life - from religiously reading the local newspaper to drawing inspiration from Kennedy's abiding strength in the face of tragedy. Traveling the dark roads of her past, Pearl reveals how her need for tenderness led to sexual confusion, a relationship with a much older man, and her part in a murder thirty years ago.
Theresa Williams was born on January 24, 1956, in California, United States. She spent most of her childhood in Jacksonville, North Carolina near the Camp Lejeune Marine Corps base.
In 1974 Theresa Williams graduated from Jacksonville High School. In 1985 she earned a Bachelor of Arts degree from East Carolina University. In 1987 she received a Master of Arts degree from this university. Her master’s thesis was titled From X to I: The Evolution of Salinger's Narrative Method and focused on the short fiction of J. D. Salinger. In 1989 Williams obtained a Master of Fine Arts degree from Bowling Green State University. Her M.F.A. thesis, titled The Gift of Healing, reflects Williams’s concern with tragedy, healing, and survival.
Theresa Williams’s first novel is The Secret of Hurricanes (2002). The narrator, Pearl Starling, is an iconoclastic, forty-five-year-old hermit who makes her living weaving rugs. Pregnant, her condition is the gossip of her small North Carolina town. Despite the curiosity of the townspeople, the Pentecostal missionaries who make daily visits to try to bring her back into the fold, and the shadow of her own harrowing past, Pearl lovingly, patiently waits for her child to appear, all the while studiously guarding the identity of the child’s father.
Her short stories have appeared in The Sun, Hunger Mountain, and other magazines, and poems in a number of magazines, including Gargoyle, DMQ Review, Paterson Literary Review, Lilliput Review, Barnwood International Poetry Magazine, Apple Valley Review. Her chapbook, The Galaxy to Ourselves, was published in 2012. She is the creator of The Letter Project, an online repository for actual letters–written and sent.
(Pearl Starling is forty-five, a hermit with a "colorful p...)
2002(The Galaxy to Ourselves is a poetry chapbook.)
2012Theresa Williams counts James Wright and Theodore Roethke as major influences.
In 1974 Theresa Williams married Charles Allen Williams. They have three sons.